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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorСадовий, Олексій Степанович-
dc.contributor.authorSadovoy, Oleksiy-
dc.contributor.authorГрубань, Василь Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorHruban', Vasyl'-
dc.contributor.authorПотриваєва, Наталя Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorPotryvaieva, Natalia-
dc.identifier.citationSadovoy O., Hruban V., Potryvaieva N. Innovative energy-saving technologies in irrigated farming systems in post-war recovery // Bioloji müxtəlifliyin qorunmasi və ekoloji cəhətdən dayaniqli sosial-iqtisadi inkişafa doğru” mövzusunda beynəlxalq elmi konfransin : materiallari (Lənkəran, 22 dekabr 2023). Lənkəran, 2023. С. 77-78.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAccording to the FAO, Ukraine's agricultural resource potential allows feeding 450-500 million people, but today only a third of its potential is used. This is due to a number of factors, primarily related to climate change. Since 1991, the area of the risky agricultural zone in Ukraine has increased by 7% [1-3]. At the same time, the area with excessive and sufficient atmospheric moisture decreased by 10% and occupies only 7.6 million hectares of arable land. Thus, 77% of Ukraine's arable land needs constant irrigation. According to forecasts, further climate changes will worsen the conditions of natural moisture supply [3]. As a result, the role of irrigation in the production of agricultural products will only grow and contribute to the rapid recovery of Ukraine in the post-war period.uk_UA
dc.subjectapplication of fertilizersuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy savinguk_UA
dc.subjectsolar panelsuk_UA
dc.subjectoptimal mode of operationuk_UA
dc.titleInnovative energy-saving technologies in irrigated farming systems in post-war recoveryuk_UA
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Статті (Інженерно-енергетичний факультет)

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