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dc.contributor.authorГалкін, Василь Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorHalkin, Vasyl-
dc.identifier.citationHalkin, V. (2023). The Impact of State Control on the Effectiveness of Agricultural Production Regulation. Review of Economics and Finance, 21, 1481–1488. https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.163uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article summarizes the scientific and theoretical achievements of the impact of state control on agricultural production. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to changes in political, economic, and global economic realities in the domestic and foreign agrarian markets and Ukraine's role in shaping food security in the international arena. This is confirmed by the volume of agricultural exports. It is shown that Ukraine lags far behind the developed countries regarding PSE and MPS. Therefore, the issue of forming an effective state mechanism for regulating agricultural production requires constant monitoring of the state of the industry's problems, taking into account the foreign experience of regulatory agricultural policy of developed countries, harmonization of the legal framework with global analogs, and EU Directives, strengthening of investment and credit policy in terms of supporting small and medium-sized farming, and focus on sustainable development of all agricultural sectors (crop and livestock production). Because of the Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine, the issues of reviving agrarian production in the liberated territories, restoring lost resources (land, flora, and fauna), rehabilitation of the economically active population (involvement of the mobilized military in agricultural production, etc.) are of great importance.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectAgricultural policyuk_UA
dc.subjectMarket price supportuk_UA
dc.subjectProducer supportuk_UA
dc.titleThe Impact of State Control on the Effectiveness of Agricultural Production Regulationuk_UA
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