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dc.contributor.authorДубініна, Марина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorDubіnіna, Marina-
dc.identifier.citationDubinina, M. (2012). Institutional analysis of transformations in Ukrainian agriculture. World Applied Sciences Journal, 18(SPL.ISSUE. 18), 185–190. https://doi.org/10.5829/idosi.wasj.2012.18.120031uk_UA
dc.description.abstractInstitutional character of systematic problems, directions and ways for realization of agrarian reforms in Ukraine were determined as a social process of institutional development based on the ideology of forming and deepening of market relations. The necessity of institutional investigations of transformations in the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy was substantiated. The environment of the institutes forming the institutional map in the whole was identified. The institutional essence of the crisis in the agrarian sector of economy was analyzed. Various factors that may potentially lead to the changes in the institutional structure were generalized. Main problems for applied institutional analysis were identified. The aggregate of features characterizing the institutes of the agrarian sector was formulated. For agricultural enterprises the authors have identified an approach implying that the institutional analysis should be performed in relation to the enterprise subsystems on the process characteristic. The methodological and methodical bases of institutional analysis for efficiency evaluation and modeling of socio-economic process in agriculture are presented.uk_UA
dc.subjectAgrarian sectoruk_UA
dc.subjectSocio-economic processuk_UA
dc.subjectUkrainian economyuk_UA
dc.subjectMedia Ethicsuk_UA
dc.subjectBritish Ruleuk_UA
dc.subjectWelfare Policyuk_UA
dc.titleInstitutional analysis of transformations in Ukrainian agricultureuk_UA
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