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dc.contributor.authorДубовенко, Костянтин Вікторович-
dc.contributor.authorDubovenko, K.-
dc.identifier.citationDubovenko, K. (2012). Gasodynamical characteristics of electrical discharges in the pulsed Plasma generator with inductive and capacitive energy store. Technical Electrodynamics, (6), 11–18.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractNumerical simulation of powerful electrical discharges in the air in the circuit with the inductive and capacitive energy store and electroexplosive opening switch has been carried out with one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic approach. Electrical, energetical and gasodynamical characteristics of the discharge have been obtained. With accounting for the electrical processes and electrical energy dissipation in the plasma load the analysis of the gasodynamical transients has been carried out. In particular, spatial and temporal dependencies of the medium pressure, velocity and density under conditions of the magnetic pressure and discharge current skinning influence have been shown.uk_UA
dc.subjectElectrical dischargeuk_UA
dc.subjectInductive and capacitive storeuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy dissipationuk_UA
dc.subjectCapacitive energy storesuk_UA
dc.subjectDischarge currentsuk_UA
dc.subjectElectrical dischargesuk_UA
dc.subjectElectrical processuk_UA
dc.subjectInductive and capacitive storeuk_UA
dc.subjectMagnetic pressureuk_UA
dc.subjectMedium pressureuk_UA
dc.subjectPulsed plasma generatorsuk_UA
dc.subjectPower qualityuk_UA
dc.titleGasodynamical characteristics of electrical discharges in the pulsed Plasma generator with inductive and capacitive energy storeuk_UA
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