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dc.contributor.authorЗамкова, Ірина Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorZamkova, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorДубініна, Марина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorDubіnіna, Marina-
dc.contributor.authorСирцева, Світлана Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorSyrtseva, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorЧебан, Юлія Юріївна-
dc.contributor.authorCheban, Julyja-
dc.contributor.authorЛугова, Ольга Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorLugova, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorКучмійова, Тетяна Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorKuchmiiova, Tetiana-
dc.identifier.citationZamkova, I., Dubinina, M., Syrtseva, S., Cheban, Y., Luhova, O., & Kuchmiiova, T. (2023). Digitization of higher education in Ukraine: Organizational and applied aspects. Research for Rural Development 2023 : Annual 29th international scientific conference proceedings. Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. https://doi.org/10.22616/rrd.29.2023.042uk_UA
dc.description.abstractToday in Ukraine, a digital transformation of the educational system of higher education is taking place at a rapid pace, in which information and communication technologies are not becoming an additional ʻload’ in learning, but an integral part of a comprehensive educational process, which increases its efficiency. At the same time, there are a number of challenges, including such specific ones as unprovoked military aggression, which complicates the process of entry of higher education in Ukraine into the global educational digital environment. To assess the significance of the digitalization of the educational system of higher education in Ukraine in specific conditions, to analyze the attitude of the teaching staff and students to online education, to establish technical means of participation in the educational process, to determine the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning through the prism of the experience of teaching staff and students, we used three main methods: the survey method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the graphical method. As a result of the study, the authors revealed the general concept of digitalization and its educational dimension; identified the main challenges faced by higher education institutions in the digital environment; determined the impact and scale of military aggression by the Russian Federation on the activities of Ukrainian universities; established the features of training in the digital environment by institutions of the higher education of Ukraine.uk_UA
dc.subjectdigital environmentuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational systemuk_UA
dc.subjecthigher education in Ukraineuk_UA
dc.subjectteaching staffuk_UA
dc.subjectLearning systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectDigital environmentuk_UA
dc.subjectEducational processuk_UA
dc.subjectEducational systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectHigh educationuk_UA
dc.subjectTeaching staffuk_UA
dc.titleDigitization of higher education in Ukraine: Organizational and applied aspectsuk_UA
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