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dc.contributor.authorShahini, Ermir-
dc.contributor.authorФедорчук, Михайло Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorFedorchuk, Mikhail-
dc.contributor.authorГрубань, Василь Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorHruban', Vasyl'-
dc.contributor.authorФедорчук, Валентина Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorFedorchuk, Valentina-
dc.contributor.authorСадовий, Олексій Степанович-
dc.contributor.authorSadovoi, Alexei-
dc.identifier.citationShahini, E., Fedorchuk, M., Hruban, V., Fedorchuk, V., & Sadovoy, O. (2024). Renewable energy opportunities in Ukraine in the context of blackouts. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1–9.
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням:
dc.description.abstractUkraine faces the joint challenge of energy independence and resilience of supply. Frequent power outages have serious consequences for people, businesses and the economy, but renewable energy sources can mitigate this problem. Assessment of Ukraine’s energy system and the potential impact of renewable energy sources on power outages suggests that further diversification of energy sources into renewables will be affordable and efficient, provide a more stable and independent energy supply, and allow for more decentralised distribution of electricity.uk_UA
dc.subjectalternative supplyuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy independenceuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy sustainabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectNatural resourcesuk_UA
dc.subjectRenewable energyuk_UA
dc.subjectAlternative supplyuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy independenceuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy sourceuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy sustainabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectPotential impactsuk_UA
dc.subjectPower outageuk_UA
dc.subjectRenewable energiesuk_UA
dc.subjectRenewable energy sourceuk_UA
dc.titleRenewable energy opportunities in Ukraine in the context of blackoutsuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Публікації науково-педагогічних працівників МНАУ у БД Scopus
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