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dc.contributor.authorАтаманюк, Ігор Петрович-
dc.contributor.authorAtamanyuk, Igor-
dc.contributor.authorПолторак, Анастасія Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorPoltorak, Anastasiya-
dc.contributor.authorSidenko, Ievgen-
dc.contributor.authorBartnicka, Edyta-
dc.contributor.authorKondratenko, Yuriy-
dc.identifier.citationAtamanyuk, I., Poltorak, A., Sidenko, I., Bartnicka, E., & Kondratenko, Y. (2024). Concept of express monitoring of the state’s financial security. 22nd industrial simulation conference, ISC 2024, 24–29.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article addresses the important issue of the necessity to develop a concept of express monitoring of the state of financial security of Ukraine in the conditions of instability. The article proposes a methodology for express monitoring of the financial security of the state, which allows for quick analysis of the state of financial security, identifying problematic components of ensuring the financial security of the state through periods of research and identifying specific threats and reserves. The purpose of this is to further apply this knowledge in the process of strengthening the condition of financial security. The presented concept is based on the fundamental concepts of a polynomial algorithm for extrapolating the parameters of stochastic systems and the developed polynomial power correlation-regression model for express monitoring and forecasting the state of financial security of Ukraine. The concept contains a mathematically proven list of quantitative indicators of the condition of the state's financial security, selected in the process of decomposition of the category "financial security". These indicators directly form the basis and possibility of assessing the satisfaction of financial security and financial requirements of the state and its financial and economic development. It is characterized by the signaling ability of the level of threats to the financial security of the state, availability of statistical data and suitability for mathematical and other types of analysis, coverage of changes in a phenomenon or process over time, unambiguous interpretation, and high sensitivity to changes in the economic situation.uk_UA
dc.subjectFinancial Planninguk_UA
dc.subjectFinancial Securityuk_UA
dc.subjectSystem Managementuk_UA
dc.subjectDecentralized financeuk_UA
dc.subjectDecision makinguk_UA
dc.subjectPolynomial regressionuk_UA
dc.subjectStochastic modelsuk_UA
dc.subjectDecisions makingsuk_UA
dc.subjectFinancial planninguk_UA
dc.subjectFinancial securityuk_UA
dc.subjectFundamental conceptsuk_UA
dc.subjectPolynomial algorithmuk_UA
dc.subjectSystems managementuk_UA
dc.subjectStochastic systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectGoal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectNeural Networkuk_UA
dc.subjectFuzzy Logicuk_UA
dc.titleConcept of express monitoring of the state’s financial securityuk_UA
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