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dc.contributor.authorDrach, Ilona-
dc.contributor.authorDykha, Maksym-
dc.contributor.authorМарченко, Дмитро Дмитрович-
dc.contributor.authorMarchenko, Dmytro-
dc.identifier.citationDrach, I., Dykha, M., Marchenko, D. (2025). Qualitative States of Operating Fluid in the Chamber of the Auto-Balancing Device. In: Tonkonogyi, V., Ivanov, V., Trojanowska, J., Oborskyi, G. (eds) Advanced Manufacturing Processes VI. Interpartner 2024. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-82746-4_44uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-82746-4_44uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe rotor is the most important component of the rotating equipment, and the vibration caused by the imbalance of its mass affects the operation of the machine. The article considers an effective balancing technology - rotor balancing using a liquid-type passive automatic balancing device (ABD). Such ABDs are designed as a chamber in the form of a rigid cylindrical ring or torus, partially filled with liquid. To achieve the effect of redistribution of the rotor masses, this technology uses the movement of the operating fluid in the chamber cavity in the direction opposite to the imbalance of the elastic-deformation rotor or the rotor on elastic supports, where there is a phase difference between the direction of the force from the imbalance and the deflection of the rotor or the movement of the rotor. The liquid auto balancer is a direct-action regulator and does not require a power supply and the creation of control systems for moving the correcting fluid. The article presents the results of modeling the movement modes of the operating fluid in the ABD chamber; estimates of the angular speeds of rotation of the rotor system are substantiated. Model verification was performed on the experimental material, which was obtained with the help of unique stands with developed experimental samples of ABD and experimental installations that model rotors on elastic supports with a vertical and horizontal rotation axis and an axis inclined at an angle to the horizon line.uk_UA
dc.subjectLiquid-type Auto-balancing Device (ABD)uk_UA
dc.subjectMovement Modesuk_UA
dc.subjectOperating Fluiduk_UA
dc.subjectPassive Self-balancing Technologyuk_UA
dc.titleQualitative States of Operating Fluid in the Chamber of the Auto-Balancing Deviceuk_UA
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