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dc.contributor.authorIvanenko, Nadiya-
dc.contributor.authorRud, Anatolii-
dc.contributor.authorHurbanska, Antonina-
dc.contributor.authorЧебан, Юлія Юріївна-
dc.contributor.authorCheban, Julyja-
dc.contributor.authorСирцева, Світлана Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorSyrtseva, Svitlana-
dc.identifier.citationIvanenko, N., Rud, A., Hurbanska, A., Cheban, Y., & Syrtseva, S. (2025). Evaluating Digitalization as a Core Requirement for Future Educational Systems. Salud, Ciencia Y Tecnología - Serie De Conferencias, 4, 641. https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf2025641uk_UA
dc.description.abstractoday, the view of modern technologies as mere tools for various purposes in learning and knowledge exchange is being rethought. This reassessment opens up the possibility of new approaches to education that stem from the philosophy of technology and sociology. The interpretation of the latest technologies in the education of the future justifies the need for new educational approaches. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibility of integrating new technologies into the processes of learning and education, knowledge production and educational institutions within the framework of digitalisation. Materials and The study examined the latest scientific sources related to this topic using international scientific and metric databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar. The results of the study showed that new technologies are not just tools or external layers added to education. In their social and natural aspects, they mediate almost all human experiences and even influence the formation of people’s worldviews. We conclude that the interaction between people and new technologies is a set of inseparable components that cannot exist independently. At the same time, the educational interpretation of the latest technologies considers them as mediators of experience. In particular, these technologies tend to change both the forms and content of future education. Any impact that results from this interaction affects the behaviour of individuals in society, as well as the general perception of the social and natural environment.uk_UA
dc.subjecteducational innovationsuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital learninguk_UA
dc.subjecttechnological integrationuk_UA
dc.subjectlearning platformsuk_UA
dc.titleEvaluating Digitalization as a Core Requirement for Future Educational Systemsuk_UA
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