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dc.contributor.authorСирцева, Світлана Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorСырцева, Светлана Владимировна-
dc.contributor.authorSyrtseva, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorМороз, Тетяна Олегівна-
dc.contributor.authorМороз, Татьяна Олеговна-
dc.contributor.authorMoroz, Tetyana-
dc.identifier.citationМороз Т. Програмний підхід у розвитку сільських територій України / Т. Мороз, С. Сирцева // Scientific Letters of Academic Society of Michal Baludansky. – 2016. – V. 4, №6. – P. 88-90.-
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто особливості формування та реалізації програм розвитку сільських територій. Висвітлено основні проблеми та обґрунтовано шляхи підвищення ефективності виконання програм розвитку сільських територій в Україні.uk
dc.description.abstractThe application of programmatic, targeted and predictive methods for managing the development of rural territories makes it possible to concretely identify goals and priorities of its areas in the long, medium, and short-term, and to develop a clear plan of measures for their achievement. Programming of the development of rural areas in Ukraine is not systematic and not consistent. The main disadvantages of regulatory legal acts, state target development programs and strategies implemented within rural areas are: the declarative nature of the established objectives and goals; non-compliance with resource opportunities; not a perfect practice of development and adoption without taking into account the methods of strategic management and planning; lack of a system for evaluating the results of implementation. Objective necessity is to increase the quality of development and efficiency of implementation of programs of sustainable development of rural areas by state administrations of rayon and oblast level, with obligatory further discussion of their content and basic provisions already at district levels (rural and settlement councils), inter-district, oblast and state . State support and support for the development of genuine rural self-government, which involves the development of rural communities as self-sufficient and financially secured local self-government bodies, can be a promising way of solving financing problems. In order to improve the efficiency and ordering of the distribution and use of budget funds, it is advisable to delineate the functions between the financial and economic units of the government. There is a need to determine the list of government programs and their state customers, the amount of funding for each budget year for each specific program. The implementation of an evaluation of the effectiveness and effectiveness of development programs at all levels of government is relevant, and the primary link should be recognized by the district administrations of agriculture and food, which should be assigned monitoring and coordinating functions for assessing the effectiveness of rural development programs. The main attention should be paid to the development of programs directly from rural areas at the oblast level, since a significant number of vital issues remain neglected and are not provided at all or partially secured by budget financial support.-
dc.subjectсільські територіїuk
dc.subjectпрограми розвиткуuk
dc.subjectоцінка ефективності програмuk
dc.subjectперспективні планиuk
dc.subjectдержавна підтримкаuk
dc.subjectсталий розвитокuk
dc.subjectrural territoriesuk
dc.subjectdevelopment programsuk
dc.subjectappraisal of program effectivenessuk
dc.subjectlong-term plansuk
dc.subjectstate support, sustainable developmentuk
dc.titleПрограмний підхід у розвитку сільських територій Україниuk
dc.title.alternativeProgrammatic approach in development of rural territories of Ukraineuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті (Обліково-фінансовий факультет)

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