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dc.contributor.authorШебаніна, Олена В’ячеславівна-
dc.contributor.authorShebanina, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorКлючник, Альона Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorKlyuchnik, Alyona-
dc.contributor.authorBurkovska, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorБурковська, Ганна-
dc.contributor.authorБурковська, Алла Валентинівна-
dc.contributor.authorBurkovskaya, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorCaruso, Donatello-
dc.identifier.citationProviding labor income as a supporting factor of the food security / [O. Shebanina, A. Klyuchnik, A. Burkovska and ect.] // Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. - 2018. - Vol. 40. No. 4. - Pp. 599–608.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe lack of comprehensive provision of a sufficient level of economic affordability of food in conditions of social instability and low level of solvency of the population of Ukraine constitutes a threat to the food security of the state. The purpose of the article is to formulate the relationship between the economic affordability of food and the average monthly wage in the country, as well as arrears in its payment. The methodic of work is based on the usage of a correlation-regression analysis of the statistical information that reflects the structure of total household income in Ukraine, which made it possible to calculate the degree of influence of factors of the correlation model on the availability of food for the population. The results of the study indicate a significant stratification of the population in terms of purchasing power. The degree of dependence between the economic availability of food and the average monthly salary in the country, as well as the amount of arrears in its payment, which confirms the need for the government to create a sustainable system of social standards for the population, providing an adequate level of purchasing power, is established.uk_UK
dc.subjectcorrelation-regression analysisuk_UK
dc.subjecteconomic availability of fooduk_UK
dc.subjectood securityuk_UK
dc.subjectGini indexuk_UK
dc.subjecthousehold incomesuk_UK
dc.subjectindex of income differentiationuk_UK
dc.titleProviding labor income as a supporting factor of the food securityuk_UK
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