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dc.contributor.authorStankevych, S. V.-
dc.contributor.authorYevtushenko, M. D.-
dc.contributor.authorVilna, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorZabrodina, I. V.-
dc.contributor.authorLutytska, N. V.-
dc.contributor.authorNakonechna, Yu. O.-
dc.contributor.authorMolchanova, O. A.-
dc.contributor.authorMelenti, V. O.-
dc.contributor.authorGolovan, L. V.-
dc.contributor.authorKlymenko, I. V.-
dc.contributor.authorZhukova, L. V.-
dc.contributor.authorПисьменний, Олег Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorPismenniy, Oleg-
dc.identifier.citationIntegrated pest management of flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) in spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) / [S. V. Stankevych, M. D. Yevtushenko, V. V. Vilna and ect.] // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. - 2019. - № 9(3). - С. 198-207.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the most dangerous pests of winter rape is a complex of the undulating flea beetles that can do harm to the plants from the phase of sprouting and until the harvest ripening. Undulating flea beetles are a complex of species, namely Phyllotreta atra F., Phyllotreta nigripes F, Phyllotreta nemorum L., Phyllotreta undulata Kutsch., Phyllotreta vitata Redt., and Phyllotrta armoracie Koch which belong to the genus of Phyllotreta. The species are very widely spread. The most harmful pests have been found in the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region and other places characterised by early, friendly and warm spring. They cause a great harm in Eastern and Western Siberia and in the Upper Volga region. In Ukraine they can be found everywhere; but the most numerous number of these pests is found in the south of the Forest–Steppe zone and in the Steppe region (Palyi, 1962).uk_UA
dc.subjectSpring rapeuk_UA
dc.subjectUndulating flea beetlesuk_UA
dc.titleIntegrated pest management of flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) in spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті (Факультет агротехнологій)

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