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dc.contributor.authorФедосєєва, Ганна Степанівна-
dc.contributor.authorФедосеева, Анна Степановна-
dc.contributor.authorFedosіeіeva, Hanna-
dc.identifier.citationFedosieieva H. Sustainable development of agricultural producers is a condition for their successful functioning in the world market // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. - 2019. - Vol. 5 (1). - P. 218-223. - https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2019-5-1-218-223uk_UA
dc.description.abstractPurpose. Substantiation of a holistic system of goals of steady development of agricultural producers on the conditions of their successful functioning in the world market taking into account global and local trends in the development of the world economy, peculiarities of agricultural activity in Ukraine, and directions of development of the world agricultural market. The methodology of research. The reliability of the study is due to the use of an integrated approach and a significant set of research methods, in particular: systematic approach – in studying the connections between phenomena and processes in the system of formation of a holistic system of steady development of agricultural producers on the conditions of their successful functioning in the world market; monographic – for a comprehensive and in-depth study of the peculiarities of the modern manifestation of the key factors of sustainable development of agricultural producers, provided that they operate in the world market; dialectical and abstract-logical – when conducting theoretical generalizations and forming conclusions; the method of scientific abstraction – with a selection of key factors that determine the steady development of agricultural producers; etc. Findings. Considered the main goals of sustainable development on the basis of values, principles, and key factors of the development of the world economy. Determined the main global tendencies of development of the world agricultural market. On the basis of the study, an integrated system of goals for the steady development of agricultural producers in the conditions of their functioning in the world market has been formed. It is noted that the basis of the sustainable development of any system is a combination of economic development with a minimal negative impact on the environment and the socialization of newly created economic transformations. Originality. The integrated system of goals of steady development of agricultural producers in the world market, which includes three interconnected blocks: economic, social and ecological, for which each priority is defined, is substantiated. The main conditions for achieving these goals are presented. Practical implications. The obtained results can be used in substantiating directions of the formation of stable competitive advantages of agricultural producers in the world market.uk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable development of agricultural producersuk_UA
dc.subjectworld marketuk_UA
dc.subjectagricultural productivityuk_UA
dc.subjectprofitability of agricultural activityuk_UA
dc.subjectsocial developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectecological developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovative technologiesuk_UA
dc.titleSustainable development of agricultural producers is a condition for their successful functioning in the world marketuk_UA
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