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dc.contributor.authorВишневська, Ольга Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorВишневская, Ольга Николаевна-
dc.contributor.authorVishnevskaya, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorКалюжна, Олена В’ячеславівна-
dc.contributor.authorКалюжная, Елена Вячеславовна-
dc.contributor.authorKalyuzhnaya, Helen-
dc.contributor.authorІртищева, Інна Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorИртищева, Инна Александровна-
dc.contributor.authorIrtyshcheva, I.-
dc.identifier.citationVyshnevska O. Infrastructure provision of the agrarian market in the globalized environment / O. Vyshnevska,O. Kaliuzhna, I. Irtyshcheva // Baltik Journal of Economic Studies. – 2019. - Vol. 5. - P. 39-46.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe main results of the research, which consist in determining the essence and features of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market in the globalized environment, are formed. The priority of approaches in the development of logistics activities in the context of guaranteeing food security of regions and countries of the world is determined. The essence of the logistic process, strengthening the influence of the global market on the quality of agrarian products are determined. The influence of the infrastructure provision of the agrarian market on the competitive positions of commodity producers is generalized, advantages and disadvantages in development are determined. The essence of informational logistics, its influence on the development of infrastructure provision of agricultural products market, satisfaction of consumers' needs is investigated.uk_UA
dc.subjectglobal processesuk_UA
dc.subjectglobal marketuk_UA
dc.subjectelectronic commerceuk_UA
dc.subjectcompetitive advantagesuk_UA
dc.subjectlogistics activitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectinfrastructure objectsuk_UA
dc.subjectmarket participants' interestsuk_UA
dc.subjectfood securityuk_UA
dc.subjectглобальні процесиuk_UA
dc.subjectглобальний ринокuk_UA
dc.subjectелектронна торгівляuk_UA
dc.subjectконкурентні перевагиuk_UA
dc.subjectлогістична діяльністьuk_UA
dc.subjectоб’єкти інфраструктуриuk_UA
dc.subjectінтереси учасників ринкуuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольча безпекаuk_UA
dc.subjectглобальные процессыuk_UA
dc.subjectглобальный рынокuk_UA
dc.subjectэлектронная коммерцияuk_UA
dc.subjectконкурентные преимуществаuk_UA
dc.subjectлогистическая деятельностьuk_UA
dc.subjectобъекты инфраструктурыuk_UA
dc.subjectинтересы участников рынкаuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольственная безопасностьuk_UA
dc.titleInfrastructure provision of the agrarian market in the globalized environmentuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeІнфраструктурне забезпечення аграрного ринку в глобалізованому середовищіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeИнфраструктурное обеспечение аграрного рынка в условиях глобализацииuk_UA
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