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dc.contributor.authorВишневська, Ольга Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorМельник, Ірина Олегівна-
dc.contributor.authorОлійник, Тетяна Георгіївна-
dc.contributor.authorТішечкіна, Катерина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorVishnevskaya, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorMelnik, Irina-
dc.contributor.authorOleynik, Tatyana-
dc.contributor.authorTishechkina, Kateryna-
dc.identifier.citationVyshnevska О., Melnyk I., Oliinyk T., Tishechkina K. Environmental priorities in guaranteeing the sustainable development of the global society // Ukraine Journal of Ecology, 2021. 11 (2), 130-136.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe essence, components and features of globalization in terms of manifestations in society, priorities of sustainable development, neutralization of environmental threats have been studied. It has been proved that the processes taking place in the globalization environment require the joining of efforts, the implementation of common policies based on responsible partnership. The contradictions have been aggravated by the implementation of comprehensive measures to protect the environment, financing the obligations of the parties in order to preserve the sphere of human existence. Initiated directions of implementation of world development approaches (Global Sustainable Development Goals), mostly focused on providing favorable conditions for human existence and preservation of ecosystems, neutralization of natural changes that increase the impact and encourage the corresponding social load (destruction of infrastructure, environmental migrants, reduction of access to food, etc.). It has been determined that responsible partnership will guarantee the reduction of social tension, the scale of asymmetric conflicts. A responsible partnership involves fulfilling the obligations of the parties to a certain extent and in a timely manner, allows us to join forces to protect the environment, draws the attention of global society to environmental issues. Responsible partnership is associated with an appropriate level of trust and focus on the common result, sustainable development of global society and individual world systems. The authors have stipulated that the practical implementation of environmental objectives must comply with ratified Agreements and take into account existing and expected transboundary threats. It has been substantiated that responsibility at different levels of management and the sufficiency of financing for environmental projects will help limit negative climatic manifestations, including temperature growth. Responsible partnership in the environmental sphere will reduce the conflict of interests, taking into account the priority of economic growth, the implementation of measures can be focused on the use of appropriate technologies and economical consumption. The effectiveness of cooperation on the terms of partnership, coordination of actions with public environmental organizations, movements, environmental activists have been proved by authors. Prospects for the development of the world economy should be focused on environmental dimensions, given the need to ensure global security, ensure sustainable development, preserve the sphere of human existence. The authors identified the need to implement effective partnership approaches in the environmental field. The global nature of the issue should become the responsibility of every member of the world community, the basis of climate policy of states and regions of the world. The effectiveness of environmental measures and the introduction of approaches to the defined global goals of sustainable development can be ensured only on the terms of international public-private partnership. Such cooperation will bring the interests between business and the socio-ecological need to preserve the sphere of human existence and neutralize the threats of climate migration as close as possible. Partnership for sustainable development.uk_UA
dc.subjectнаціональні інтересиuk_UA
dc.subjectнаціональні пріоритетиuk_UA
dc.subjectglobal goalsuk_UA
dc.subjectresponsible partnershipuk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental prioritiesuk_UA
dc.subjectasymmetric conflictsuk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental policyuk_UA
dc.subjectsocial tensionsuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectcross-border threatsuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic-private partnershipuk_UA
dc.subjectbusiness interestsuk_UA
dc.subjectclimate migrationuk_UA
dc.subjectlevels of responsibilityuk_UA
dc.titleEnvironmental priorities in the sustainable development of the global societyuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeЕкологічні пріоритети у забезпеченні стійкого розвитку глобального суспільстваuk_UA
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