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Title: Management of innovative technologies creation of bio-products
Authors: Лихач, Вадим Ярославович
Likhach, Vadym
Лихач, Анна Василівна
Likhach, Anna
Душмал, Маріан
Duczmal, Marian
Janicki, Marek
Ohienko, Mykola
Obozna, Alyona
Kucher, Olena
Фаустов, Ростислав Вікторович
Faustov, Rostislav
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Management of innovative technologies creation of bio-products : monograph / V. Lykhach, A. Lykhach, M. Duczmal, M. Janicki, M. Ohienko, A. Obozna, O. Kucher, R. Faustov. Opole-Kyiv, 2020. 222 p.
Abstract: The monograph presents the scientific substantiation, experimental developments on the management of innovative technologies in industrial pig breeding, taking into account the internal division of enterprises into production shops. For managers and specialists of industrial enterprises for pork production, teachers and students of the faculties of management and technology of production and processing of livestock products of agricultural educational institutions, graduate students, doctoral students, researchers.
Appears in Collections:Монографії (Факультет ТВППТСБ)

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