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Title: Гендерні парадокси: проблеми досліджень у сфері праці
Other Titles: Gender Paradoxes: Problems of Research in the Field of Work
Authors: Макарова, О. В.
Makarova, Olena
Keywords: гендер
інтегральний індекс
обстеження робочої сили
домашні господарства
неоплачувана робота
integral index
Labor Force Survey
unpaid work
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень ім. М. В. Птухи НАН України
Citation: Макарова О. В. Гендерні парадокси: проблеми досліджень у сфері праці. Modern Economics. 2022. № 35(2022). С. 99-105. DOI:
Makarova O. (2022). Gender paradoxes: problems of research in the field of work. Modern Economics, 35(2022), 99-105. DOI:
Abstract: Стаття присвячена питанню удосконалення методологічних засад гендерних досліджень у сфері праці. На основі узагальнення та аналізу інформації щодо досліджень у цій сфері, міжнародних доповідей про стан гендерної рівності, статистичних даних щодо питань праці та зайнятості в Україні, у статті виявлені проблеми та суперечності щодо оцінки стану гендерної рівності. Також схарактеризовані передумови, що обумовлюють особливу актуальність даної тематики, зокрема щодо новітніх змін у характері та умовах праці. Наведено приклади щодо парадоксальної оцінки стану гендерної рівності (на прикладі Швейцарії). На їх основі зроблено висновок про необхідність врахування певних аспектів гендерної нерівності, а саме, неповної зайнятості та зайнятості неоплачуваною домашньою роботою. У статті запропоновано підходи до розрахунку інтегрального індексу гендерної рівності у сфері праці зі врахуванням означених аспектів та зроблено рекомендації щодо його практичного використання та можливостей подальших досліджень. Особливу увагу приділено необхідності використанню такого джерела інформації, як обстеження часу.
Abstract. Introduction. Employment is one of the most significant characteristics of the quality of life. To a large extent, it will determine the status of a person, his income and life opportunities. The difference in the characteristics of employment may indicate social inequality, including gender. The existing ways of assessing gender equality have certain problems. They do not fully take into account all aspects of employment. In addition, in the modern world there are significant changes in the forms and nature of employment of the population: the spread of non-standard forms, informal employment and part-time employment. In this regard, there are objective reasons for the search for new approaches and methods for such an assessment. Purpose. The article is devoted to the issue of improving the methodological foundations of gender studies in the sphere of labor. Based on the generalization and analysis of information from gender studies in this area, international reports on the state of gender equality, statistical data on labor and employment in Ukraine, the article identifies problems in assessing the state of gender equality. The prerequisites that determine the particular relevance of this topic, in particular, regarding recent changes in the nature and working conditions, are also characterized. Examples of a paradoxical assessment of the state of gender equality are given. The example of Switzerland shows that high rates of women’s participation in the labor market do not always mean equal employment conditions. On the basis of their assessment of expert information and statistical data, a conclusion was drawn about the need to take into account certain aspects of gender inequality, namely, part-time employment and unpaid domestic work. The article proposes approaches to the calculation of the integral index of gender equality in the world of work, taking into account these aspects, gives recommendations on its practical use and the possibility of further research. Particular attention is paid to the need to use such a source of information as a time survey. Because no other survey makes a distinction between leisure and domestic unpaid work. Results. Based on the identified problems and features of inconsistencies in gender measurements, the need to improve the methodology for assessing gender equality in the field of employment is substantiated. The calculation of the coefficient of recalculation of the indicator “level of employment” in the equivalent of full working time is proposed. Conclusions. The resulting approaches can be used to calculate a sub-index of employment equality, which can be a component of the overall gender equality index. To carry out such calculations, it is necessary to ensure the receipt of the necessary data, that is, the conduct of surveys of time use. The data obtained in this way will make it possible to more objectively assess the situation both within the country and more correctly make comparisons at the international level.
Abstract. Introduction. Employment is one of the most significant characteristics of the quality of life. To a large extent, it will determine the status of a person, his income and life opportunities. The difference in the characteristics of employment may indicate social inequality, including gender. The existing ways of assessing gender equality have certain problems. They do not fully take into account all aspects of employment. In addition, in the modern world there are significant changes in the forms and nature of employment of the population: the spread of non-standard forms, informal employment and part-time employment. In this regard, there are objective reasons for the search for new approaches and methods for such an assessment. Purpose. The article is devoted to the issue of improving the methodological foundations of gender studies in the sphere of labor. Based on the generalization and analysis of information from gender studies in this area, international reports on the state of gender equality, statistical data on labor and employment in Ukraine, the article identifies problems in assessing the state of gender equality. The prerequisites that determine the particular relevance of this topic, in particular, regarding recent changes in the nature and working conditions, are also characterized. Examples of a paradoxical assessment of the state of gender equality are given. The example of Switzerland shows that high rates of women’s participation in the labor market do not always mean equal employment conditions. On the basis of their assessment of expert information and statistical data, a conclusion was drawn about the need to take into account certain aspects of gender inequality, namely, part-time employment and unpaid domestic work. The article proposes approaches to the calculation of the integral index of gender equality in the world of work, taking into account these aspects, gives recommendations on its practical use and the possibility of further research. Particular attention is paid to the need to use such a source of information as a time survey. Because no other survey makes a distinction between leisure and domestic unpaid work. Results. Based on the identified problems and features of inconsistencies in gender measurements, the need to improve the methodology for assessing gender equality in the field of employment is substantiated. The calculation of the coefficient of recalculation of the indicator “level of employment” in the equivalent of full working time is proposed. Conclusions. The resulting approaches can be used to calculate a sub-index of employment equality, which can be a component of the overall gender equality index. To carry out such calculations, it is necessary to ensure the receipt of the necessary data, that is, the conduct of surveys of time use. The data obtained in this way will make it possible to more objectively assess the situation both within the country and more correctly make comparisons at the international level.
Description: JEL Classification: D63, J16, J22
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2022. - Вип. 35

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