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dc.contributor.authorShchokin, Rostyslav-
dc.contributor.authorDomyshche-Medyanyk, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorPrav, Roman-
dc.contributor.authorPryhara, Olha-
dc.contributor.authorБорко, Тетяна Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorBorko, Tetiana-
dc.identifier.citationShchokin, R., Domyshche-Medyanyk, A., Prav, R., Pryhara, O., & Borko, T. (2023). Application of Interactive Technologies to Promote Tourism Services. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 68(1), 279-287. doi:10.46852/0424-2513.1s.2023.30uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe issue of using interactive technologies to promote tourism services plays a key role for tourism enterprises. This is due to the transformation of the market due to global challenges such as the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The problem of studying the quality of interactive technologies is to analyze the necessary infrastructure and tools for implementation in the work of a corporate institution aimed at attracting new customers. The use of interactive technologies provides the tourism market with many advantages. First of all, it makes it possible to enter the international market and strengthens the brand's presence in the digital environment. Furthermore, interactive technologies with the help of digital infrastructure can create video materials and any media files used in an advertising campaign. The article aims to analyze the application, structural components, and effective methodology for implementing interactive technologies for activities in the tourism market. Moreover, key trends in the use of interactive technologies and popular mechanisms for their implementation are outlined in the article. Attention is paid to the variability of the digital environment and both theoretical and practical means of implementing a tourism promotion campaign are considered. An important issue is the further prospects for the development of digital technologies for their gradual integration into the practice of tourism enterprises. The results of the study may be useful for tourism enterprises planning to conduct commercial activities based on the use of interactive technologies.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolaiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherInterregional Academy of Personnel Management-
dc.publisherUzhhorod Trade and Economic Institute, State University of Trade and Economics-
dc.publisherISM Slovakia University of International Business-
dc.publisherV.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Kharkiv-
dc.subjectadvertising campaignuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital infrastructureuk_UA
dc.subjectNteractive technologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectsearch engine optimizationuk_UA
dc.subjecttravel servicesuk_UA
dc.subjectEconomics, Econometrics and Finance: General Economics, Econometrics and Financeuk_UA
dc.titleApplication of Interactive Technologies to Promote Tourism Servicesuk_UA
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