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dc.contributor.authorГусенко, Анжела Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorHusenko, Anzhela-
dc.contributor.authorPetrunenko, Iaroslav V.-
dc.contributor.authorKulinich, Olha O.-
dc.contributor.authorTokar, Liudmila V.-
dc.contributor.authorHerashchenko, Vita V.-
dc.identifier.citationHusenko, A. A., Petrunenko, I. V., Kulinich, O. O., Tokar, L. V., & Herashchenko, V. V. (2020). Professional competences of jurisprudence educators. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(7), 345-355. doi:10.5430/ijhe.v9n7p345uk_UA
dc.description.abstractNowadays, the profession of Jurisprudence educator is one of the most relevant and top requested among all specializations; however, in order to become a high-skilled Jurisprudence educator, one should possess significant professional qualities, including being professionally competent in the context of teaching. Taking into consideration the above mentioned, as well as based on the subject matter of the scientific article, the purpose of the study is to reveal the theoretical and practical features of the professional competences’formation and development of the Jurisprudence educators. Methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, description, comparison and generalization have been applied to reveal the purpose of the scientific research. It has been established that modern Jurisprudence teachers should possess the following professional competences: to be fluent in modern legislation and other legal norms; to rely on the features and qualities of leading scientists, working in this field; to be able to interconnect private and public interests and allocate responsibility to individual cases; to be well-versed in legislative practice and to act by law in unexpected situations; to encourage students to actively participate in the learning process, while avoiding delays in classes or even truancies; to expect knowledge from their studentsin a positive light; to enlist the respect and trust of students; to treat students positively and with respect, regardless of their religious, cultural, social or linguistic background; to cooperate with parents and other students’ custodial persons; to think critically and professionally; to prepare for classesto a full extent, using modern innovative teaching methods to teach material in the classroom;to take an active part in activities organized by the tertiary educational institution, local community, etc.; to be engaged in professional development, constantly improve one’s own competences. Based on the results of the conducted study of the theoretical and practical features of the professional competences’ formation and development of Jurisprudence educators it has been established that these competences begin to form and develop even at the stage, when students (future Jurisprudence educators) study at the tertiary legal educational institutions.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherNational University “Odesa Law Academy”-
dc.publisherState Enterprise “Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute” (UKRPATENT)-
dc.subjectLegal educationuk_UA
dc.subjectProfessional competencesuk_UA
dc.subjectTertiary educational institutionsuk_UA
dc.subjectPedagogical Supportuk_UA
dc.subjectProfessional Competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectQuality education (SDG 4)uk_UA
dc.subjectSocial Sciences: Educationuk_UA
dc.titleProfessional competences of jurisprudence educatorsuk_UA
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