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Title: Нemp quality parameters for bioenergy-impact of nitrogen fertilization
Authors: Антипова, Лідія Климівна
Антипова, Лидия Климовна
Antipova, Lidiya
Poisa, Liena
Bumane, Skaidrite
Cubars, Edgars
Keywords: енергетичні параметри
дози азотних добрив
вміст коноплі
энергетические параметры
дозы азотных удобрений
energetic parameters
nitrogen fertilizer rates
ash content
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Нemp quality parameters for bioenergy-impact of nitrogen fertilization / L. Poisa, S. Bumane, E. Cubars., L. Antipova // Еngineering for rural development. – 2016. – Vol. 15. – Р. 928-933.
Abstract: The aim of the research – to evaluate the nitrogen fertilizer rate impact on the energetic parameters of hemp. The nitrogen fertilizer rate effect on the hemp ash content depends on the hemp variety: for the local variety “Pūriņi”, with the increase of the nitrogen fertilizer rate, the ash content decreases, while for the variety “Bialobrzskie” – it is the opposite – increasing the nitrogen fertilizer rate, the ash content increases. Change of the nitrogen fertilizer rate from N0 to N100 increased the resulting thermal capacity from one hectare. In this research it was observed that a higher thermal capacity has a positive (p < 0.001) connection with the harvest yield amount. For the sown hemp the nitrogen rate variation increased the thermal energy amount from one hectare for shives by 73 % (“Pūriņi”) and 31 % (“Bialobrzskie”), for the stalks by 66 % (“Pūriņi”) and 36 % -1 (“Bialobrzskie”). The highest determined thermal capacity for hemp was 171.71 ± 18.31 GJ•ha
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