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dc.contributor.authorТруніна, І. М.-
dc.contributor.authorСосновська, Ю. Р.-
dc.contributor.authorTrunina, Irina-
dc.contributor.authorSosnovska, Julia-
dc.identifier.citationТруніна І. М. Стан міжнародного туризму для осіб з інвалідністю в Україні / І. М. Труніна, Ю. Р. Сосновська // Modern Economics. - 2019. - № 15. - С. 191-195. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V15(2019)-27.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статті розглянуто стан міжнародного туризму для осіб з інвалідністю в Україні. Досліджено, що у світі близько 23 % населення мають різні форми інвалідності. В Україні це понад 2,6 млн людей (6,25 %). Визначено поняття «інвалід», «інвалідність». Установлено, що інклюзивний туризм є досить новим поняттям і видом діяльності в нашій країні. Розглянуто функції туризму для осіб з інвалідністю. Проаналізовано міжнародні документи та досліджено українські нормативні акти та закони, які регулюють туристичну діяльність для осіб з обмеженими можливостями. Проаналізовано європейський та світовий досвід адаптації туристичної галузі для осіб з інвалідністю (на прикладі Словенії, Ізраїлю, Іспанії та США). Визначено проблеми, які стримують розвиток міжнародного туризму для осіб з обмеженими можливостями в Україні, та сформовано заходи щодо їх вирішення.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the world, about 23% of the population have different forms of disability. In Ukraine, it is more than 2.6 million people (6.25%). In recent years, the number of disabled people has increased in the international tourist market. The type of tourism that attracts people with disabilities has many names: "inclusive tourism", "social tourism", "barrier-free tourism", "paraturism", etc, but they all understand the availability of travel as a further integration of persons with disabilities into society. Inclusive tourism in Ukraine is a rather new concept and activity. This is due to a number of problems, both social and economic. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to identify and analyze the problems of the development of international tourism for people with disabilities in Ukraine, and to develop possible solutions for them. Results. The article deals with the status of international tourism for people with disabilities in Ukraine. The concept of "disabled person", "disability" is defined. It has been established that inclusive tourism is a rather new concept and a kind of activity in our country. The functions of tourism for persons with disabilities are considered. The international documents are analyzed and Ukrainian normative acts and laws regulating tourist activity for the disabled are investigated. The European and world experience of tourist industry adaptation for persons with disabilities (on the example of Slovenia, Israel, Spain and the USA) is analyzed. The problems that impede the development of international tourism for people with disabilities in Ukraine are identified and measures are being taken to solve them. Conclusions. The category of persons with disabilities, although having certain physical and mental disabilities, should not be separated from society, they want to have the opportunity to live, as well as to a healthy person, including to travel and to know the world. Many Western countries highly appreciate the prospects for the development of affordable tourism and are actively working in this direction. In Europe and in the world, a lot of things have been done for a long time to comprehensively integrate people with disabilities into society. What can not be said in full about Ukraine.-
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the problem of increasing the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise in modern economic conditions. Issues related to research on the effectiveness of enterprises, devoted to the work of many domestic and foreign economists. Purpose. Functioning of modern enterprises is associated with the problem of increasing the efficiency of their activities. This can be achieved by making sound management decisions, introducing the latest technologies and tools for ensuring the functioning of enterprises, etc. An assessment of the effectiveness of economic activity is the basis for developing measures to improve it. That is why these questions are of particular interest both for enterprise managers and for economists. This explains the relevance of this study. Results. The article deals with the concept of the efficiency of economic activity, emphasizes the peculiarities of its definition for the agrarian sector. For the estimation of the efficiency of the agrarian enterprise activity, important natural indicators are yields of agricultural crops and animal productivity. The most important task of agrarian enterprises is to increase the yield, as it will directly affect the development of the livestock sector. The level of productivity of animals depends on the yield of cereals and fodder crops. Efficiency of land use is the main means of production. This is precisely what determines the importance of increasing productivity. Conclusions. The analysis of indicators of efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise is carried out. On the basis of the obtained results, introduction of new varieties of crops is proposed, which in the future will give the opportunity to receive more income to the enterprise and in general will increase its profitability. Most high-yielding varieties and hybrids provide high-quality products, high yields. They are adapted to the climatic conditions of Ukraine, therefore, they are better than the varieties of foreign selection according to their economic and biological features, namely, resistant to culling and major diseases, have high frost and drought resistance.-
dc.publisherМиколаївський національний аграрний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectособа з інвалідністюuk_UA
dc.subjectміжнародний туризмuk_UA
dc.subjectтуристичний ринокuk_UA
dc.subjectінклюзивний туризмuk_UA
dc.subjectбезбар’єрний туризмuk_UA
dc.subjectperson with disabilitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectinternational tourismuk_UA
dc.subjecttourism marketuk_UA
dc.subjectinclusive tourismuk_UA
dc.subjectbarrier-free tourismuk_UA
dc.titleСтан міжнародного туризму для осіб з інвалідністю в Україніuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe State of International Tourism for People with Disabilities in Ukraineuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2019. - Вип. 15

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