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Title: Productivity Model of Herbal Bioenergy Cultures Depending on Biometric Indicators of Overhead Mass
Authors: Lopushniak, Vasyl
Тоnkha, Оxana
Hrytsuliak, Halyna
Lopushniak, Halyna
Polutrenko, Miroslava
Poberezhna, Lyuba
Гамаюнова, Валентина Василівна
Gamayunova, Valentina
Pikovska, Оlena
Jakubowski, Tomasz
Kotsyubynska, Yulia
Keywords: miscanthus
sewage sludge
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Productivity Model of Herbal Bioenergy Cultures Depending on Biometric Indicators of Overhead Mass / Lopushniak V. etc. || Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology. 2022. 23(2). Р. 162–172. DOI:
Abstract: The research was carried out on the territory of c. Tsenzhiv of Yamnytsya territorial community of Ivano-Frankivsk region on sod-podzolic degraded soils according to the generally accepted research methods. The productivity of miscanthus and switchgrass depends on the biometric indicators of plants, namely the height of plants and the number of stems. Correct models of miscanthus and switchgrass productivity are calculated depending on the dose of sewage sludge. For miscanthus, the correlation coefficient r = 0.952 and for switchgrass r = 0.951, which indicates a high linear relationship between plant height, number of stems and productivity. The dry matter yield in grass energy crops varies according to fertilizer application. The productivity of the agrophytocenosis of miscanthus is much higher than that of switchgrass. With the addition of sewage sludge at a dose of 40 t/ha, the dry matter yield under the same growing conditions in the agrophytocenosis of miscanthus is 12.2 t/ha, or 3.3 t/ha higher than the productivity of agrophytocenosis switchgrass. The use of composts based on SS + straw (3: 1)) – 30 t/ha + N30K55, has a significant impact on yield, providing the highest productivity of miscanthus – 13.0 t/ha, and switchgrass – 9.6 t/ha. In order to obtain stable biomass productivity of grass energy crops (miscanthus and switchgrass), it is advisable to use compost of sewage sludge and straw in a ratio of 3: 1 at a dose of 30 t/ha. Thus, two important problems are partially solved, namely increasing the productivity of energy crops and utilizing municipal waste (sewage sludge).
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