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Назва: Digital logistics in flow management in tourism
Автори: Bondarenko, S.
Бондаренко, С.
Rusavska, V.
Русавська, В.
Niziaieva, V.
Нізяєва, В.
Manushkina, Tetyana
Манушкіна, Тетяна Миколаївна
Kachanova, Tatiana
Качанова, Тетяна Володимирівна
Ivaniuk, U.
Іванюк, У.
Ключові слова: tourism
tourist logistics
logistics system of tourism
digital logistics service
flows in the field of tourism
Дата публікації: 2021
Бібліографічний опис: Digital logistics in flow management in tourism / S. Bondarenko, V. Rusavska, V. Niziaieva, T. Manushkina, T. Kachanova, U. Ivaniuk. Journal of Information Technology Management. 2021. Vol. 13. P. 1-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22059/JITM.2021.80734.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article considers the main aspects of using the tools of the system organization of logistics flow management in the field of tourism, in terms of digitalization of logistics services. The research is based on experience in the transformation of the tourist product, it is perception by consumers, modern technologies, digital channels and logistics tools. The analysis showed that the organization of tourism based on a systematic approach, when service providers, tour operators, travel agencies and end users are elements of a single information system. The essential features of tourism logistics considered, basic tactics and tools related to the concept of digital logistics service. It established that digital tools of logistics services implemented with the identification of the main tourist services: food, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, recreation and entertainment, education, management and research.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11674
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