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Title: Integration of end-to-end and dual learning as a guarantee of quality professional training for future power engineers
Authors: Горбунова, Каріне Маркарівна
Horbunova, Karine
Літвінчук, Світлана Борисівна
Litvinchuk, Svetlana
Улітіна, Катерина Анатолііївна
Ulitina, Katerina
Ганніченко, Тетяна Анатоліївна
Hannichenko, Tetyana
Nagayev, Viktor
Keywords: commerce
creative performance
critical thinking
dual education
education computing
educational policies
educational policy
end to end
end-to-end training
engineering education
engineering research
future power engineer
implicit theories
instruction quality
job training
learning systems
personnel training
power engineers
professional aspects
professional training
sustainable development
sustainable development education
Chemical Engineering: Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
Engineering: Aerospace Engineering
Engineering: Mechanical Engineering
Engineering: Automotive Engineering
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
State Biotechnological University
Citation: Gorbunova, K., Nagayev, V., Litvinchuk, S., Ulitina, K., & Gannichenko, T. (2022). Integration of end-to-end and dual learning as a guarantee of quality professional training for future power engineers. 5th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, DSMIE 2022. Poznan. Pp. 542-551. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06025-0_53
Abstract: This article substantiates the organization of end-to-end learning in combination with dual learning in the professional education of future power engineers to ensure the competence and competitiveness of future specialists in the dynamic labour market. Theoretical and empirical methods (monographic analysis, synthesis, modeling, experiment, observation, forecasting) were used in the research. An applied model of end-to-end professional training in combination with dual education for future specialists of the agricultural sector at master’s level is proposed through the example specific topic in which an important role belongs to the research work of higher education learners. In order to more fully assess the depth of such an organization of professional training of future power engineers at Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, based on end-to-end training in combination with dual learning, the established level of readiness of higher education learners for future professional activity is analysed which will provide the labour market with highly qualified and competent specialists for the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine. Research results confirmed the acceptability of the model of the professional competence forming process of power engineering students during their professional training. Implementation of the model of end-to-end training in combination with dual training provides visualization of pedagogical conditions of activating didactic processes, along with organizational and technological procedures and, as a result, improves the quality characteristics of specialists’ training.
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