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dc.contributor.authorДоценко, Наталія Андріївна-
dc.contributor.authorDotsenko, Nataliya-
dc.identifier.citationDotsenko, N. (2022). The technology of application online learning platforms in electrical engineering education. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System, MEES 2022, doi:10.1109/MEES58014.2022.10005776.uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний за посиланням: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10005776uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the technology of application of online learning platforms in electrical engineering education. The analysis of online learning platforms that provide courses for electrical engineers are presented. It is determined that the need to acquire professional competencies, to acquire informatization of education and the ability to work with external information resources, to gain experience from professional practitioners, to acquire skills in working with equipment and mechanisms determined the necessity of using the proposed technology. Selection of online learning platforms or their elements to supplement the study of engineering disciplines as well as selection of competencies according to the curriculum and consolidation of them according to tools, topics, modules, courses in the context of online learning platforms is conducted by tutors of specialized departments. It was outlined the theoretical and practical forms of learning and learning tools of the proposed technology. Application of online learning platforms in electrical engineering education can be realized on the basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Upon completion of the development of the presented technology, an experimental study was conducted, which included the identification of the appropriate level of use of application of online learning platforms in electrical engineering education. The obtained experimental results were verified using Pearson criterion. The result of the implementation of technology is application of the online learning platform in educational and professional activities for engineering students.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectelectrical engineering educationuk_UA
dc.subjectengineering disciplinesuk_UA
dc.subjectengineering educationuk_UA
dc.subjectexternal informationsuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation resourceuk_UA
dc.subjectlearning platformuk_UA
dc.subjectlearning systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectlearning tooluk_UA
dc.subjectonline learninguk_UA
dc.subjectonline learning platformuk_UA
dc.subjectonline learning platformsuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional aspectsuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional competenciesuk_UA
dc.titleThe technology of application online learning platforms in electrical engineering educationuk_UA
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