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Title: Revealing the Features of the Third Order Phase Spectrum of the Main Dangerous Parameters of the Gas Medium
Authors: Саламатіна, Ольга Олександрівна
Salamatina, Olga
Ігнатенко, Жанна Валеріївна
Ignatenko, Zhanna
Pospelov, Boris
Bezuhla, Yuliia
Yashchenko, Oleksandr
Khalmuradov, Batyr
Petukhova, Olena
Gornostal, Stella
Kozar, Yurii
Tishechkina, Kateryna
Keywords: coherence
gas medium
parameter dynamics
third-order spectrum
Mathematics: Applied Mathematics
Engineering: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Business, Management and Accounting: Management of Technology and Innovation
Engineering: Mechanical Engineering
Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Food Science
Energy: Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Engineering: Control and Systems Engineering
Computer Science: Computer Science Applications
Engineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Environmental Science: Environmental Chemistry
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Scientific-Methodical Center of Educational
Institutions in the Sphere of Civil Defence
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
National Aviation University
Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Citation: Pospelov, B., Bezuhla, Y., Yashchenko, O., Khalmuradov, B., Petukhova, O., Gornostal, S., . . . Ihnatenko, Z. (2022). Revealing the Features of the Third Order Phase Spectrum of the Main Dangerous Parameters of the Gas Medium. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10-120), 63-70. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2022.268437.
Abstract: The object of this study is the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment when materials are ignited in the premises. The task addressed was the early detection of fires in the premises. It is proposed to resolve this issue on the basis of using an assessment of the coherence of frequency components in the third-order spectrum relative to the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment. The results indicate the nonlinear nature of the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment both in the absence and in the presence of fires. It was established that the assessment of the coherence of the frequency components relative to the considered triplets in the third-order spectrum contains information on the ratio of order to chaos in the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment. This information can be used to reliably detect fires. It was found that when the test materials in the form of alcohol, paper, wood, and textiles are ignited, the ratio of order to chaos in the temperature and CO dynamics in a gaseous medium is halved. It was established that the average values for frequency indices from 0 to 20 of the coherence of the frequency components of the dynamics of hazardous parameters on the ignition interval of test materials are in the range from +0.005 to –0.187. At the same time, in the interval of absence of ignition of test materials, the average values of the coherence assessment for frequency indices from 0 to 20 are in the range from +0.48 to +0.022. The reported results generally indicate the prospects and further development of studies into the coherence of the frequency components of the third-order spectrum for the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment in order to detect fires in the premises.
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