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dc.contributor.authorПанфілова, Антоніна Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorPanfilova, Antonina-
dc.contributor.authorФедорчук, Валентина Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorFedorchuk, Valentina-
dc.identifier.citationPanfilova, A., & Fedorchuk, V. (2022). Productivity and crop quality of Salvia officinalis L. in the conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraine. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 14(2) doi:10.55779/nsb14211239uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the important elements of ecological production of medicinal plant raw materials is the development and implementation of innovative technologies for growing medicinal crops based on biologized approaches and minimizing anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Therefore, the research aimed to determine the effect of doses of mineral fertilizers and biopreparations Biocomplex-BTU on the yield of green mass of Salvia officinalis L. plants and the content of essential oil in it. Experimental studies were conducted in the ecological conditions of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (Ukraine) from 2016 to 2021 years. It was found that biometric indicators of plants changed significantly depending on the years of vegetation and the factors studied. Thus, regardless of the year of vegetation, the greatest influence on the formation of biometric indicators of plants was influenced by the combination of applying mineral fertilizers at a dose of NeoPsw and carrying out foliar top dressing of plants during the growing season with a Biocomplex-BTU. In this variant of the experiment, 4.04-24.26 t ha-1 of green mass of plants was obtained, depending on the year of cultivation. The plant nutrition also affected the content of essential oil. Most of it was in plant leaves using N60P90 and Biocomplex-BTU - 2.68%. At the same time, it was determined that most of the essential oil was contained in Salvia officinalis L. plants in the budding phase.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectessential oiluk_UA
dc.subjectmineral fertilizersuk_UA
dc.subjectSalvia officinalis L.uk_UA
dc.titleProductivity and crop quality of Salvia officinalis L. in the conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraineuk_UA
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