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Title: Multiparameter Stochastic Control Model Based on the Random Sequence Canonical Expansion
Authors: Атаманюк, Ігор Петрович
Atamanyuk, Igor
Луговий, Сергій Іванович
Lugovoy, Sergey
Лихач, Вадим Ярославович
Likhach, Vadym
Крамаренко, Сергій Сергійович
Kramarenko, Sergej
Kondratenko, Yuriy
Zavgorodnii, Andrii
Keywords: arbitrary number
canonical expansion
control objects
control parameters
control system
model-based OPC
random sequence
smart home
stochastic control model
stochastic control systems
stochastic mathematical models
stochastic models
stochastic systems
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Mykolayiv Interregional Institute of Human Development of the University "Ukraine"
Citation: Atamanyuk, I., Kondratenko, Y., Zavgorodnii, A., Lugovoy, S., Lykhach, V., & Kramarenko, S. (2021). Multiparameter Stochastic Control Model Based on the Random Sequence Canonical Expansion. 2021 IEEE 12th International Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies, ELIT 2021 - Proceedings, 291-296. doi:10.1109/ELIT53502.2021.9501146
Abstract: A stochastic mathematical model of the control system for an arbitrary number of coordinates of the object under study and control parameters is obtained. The developed mathematical model allows one to fully take into account the features of random sequences of changes of coordinates and control parameters, as well as to fully use all known a posteriori and a priori data about the control object. To obtain the model, the apparatus of nonlinear vector canonical expansions is used. The work presents diagrams that reflect the specifics of determining the parameters of a multiparameter stochastic control model and the regularities of its functioning. The obtained mathematical model has wide possibilities of practical application for solving problems of controlling objects of various nature in conditions of uncertainty.
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