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Title: Structural Model of Training Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in the Online Learning Environment
Authors: Бабенко, Дмитро Володимирович
Babenko, Dmytro
Доценко, Наталія Андріївна
Dotsenko, Nataliya
Горбенко, Олена Андріївна
Gorbenko, Elena
Кім, Наталія Ігорівна
Kim, Nataliya
Keywords: augmented reality
bachelor in electrical engineering
bachelors in electrical engineering
computational complexity
computer aided instruction
electric power
engineering education
higher education institutions
methodological approach
mobile internet devices
online environments
online learning environment
online systems
operational integration
pedagogical model
professional training
structural modeling
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Citation: Babenko, D., Dotsenko, N., Gorbenko, O., & Kim, N. (2021). Structural Model of Training Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in the Online Learning Environment. Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems, MEES 2021, doi:10.1109/MEES52427.2021.9598647
Abstract: The article presents the structural model of training Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in the online environment of higher education institution. It is determined that the outlined model consists of the five blocks. The target block is characterized by the definition of modern leading ideas for the training of Bachelors in specialty 'Electric Power, Electrical Engineering and Electrical Mechanics'. The conceptual block takes into account the methodological approaches and tasks of training Bachelors in the online learning environment. The content block describes the content of education at each level. The technological block includes forms, means and technologies of training. The result block provides monitoring of professional training of Bachelors in Electrical Engineering, which is carried out on the basis of certain criteria: motivational, operational, integration, creative. All this can be done at the initial, intermediate, sufficient or high levels. The structural model provides an opportunity to combine the full-time educational process with learning in the online learning environment, forms analytical skills and competencies in professional activities. The reliability of the obtained results was checked using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion.
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