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Title: Application of the advanced design of the seed separator of vegetable and melon crops as part of the technological line
Authors: Доценко, Наталія Андріївна
Dotsenko, Nataliya
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Dotsenko N. Application of the advanced design of the seed separator of vegetable and melon crops as part of the technological line // Сучасна наука: інновації та перспективи : матеріали міжнар. мультидисциплінарної наук.-практ. інтернет-конференції молодих дослідників, здобувачів вищої освіти та науковців, 6-7 квітня 2023 р., м. Київ. Київ, 2023. С. 279-282
Abstract: The creation of modern seed-separating machines and flow lines that meet the requirements of modern production and belong to complex technical systems requires conducting scientific research on the interaction of working bodies with the technological mass of fruits, the laws of technological processes. The purpose of this investigation is to perform the application of the advanced design of the seed separator of vegetable and melon crops as part of the technological line. It is proposed to use a two-screen system as a separating device for extracting seeds of vegetable crops, in which large particles of bark will come from the first sieve, and seeds from the second; pulp; the pulp and juice will be the by-product of the second sieve. This technological line can be considered basic, and the equipment configuration may vary depending on the needs of manufacturers.
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