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Title: Influence of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties under irrigation conditions
Authors: Панфілова, Антоніна Вікторівна
Panfilova, Antonina
Корхова, Маргарита Михайлівна
Korkhova, Margarita
Маркова, Наталія Валентинівна
Markova, Nataliya
Keywords: biologics
winter wheat
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Citation: Panfilova, A., Korkhova, M., & Markova, N. (2023). Influence of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties under irrigation conditions. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 15(2), 11352.
Abstract: The aim of the research was to determine the influence of varietal characteristics, pre-sowing seed treatment and irrigation on the yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Experimental studies were carried out in the conditions of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (Ukraine) during 2019-2022 yrs. It was found that among the studied variety of winter wheat, the highest grain yield was distinguished by the variety ‘Ozerna’ and ‘Duma Odes’ka’. On average, for pre – sowing seed treatment and irrigation options, these variety formed yields at the level of 6.78 and 6.95 tha–1, which was higher than the grain yield of ‘Anatoliya’ variety by 4.1 up to 6.5%, and then the yield of ‘Ovidii’ variety by 3.9 up to 6.3%. It was proved that preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment contributed to the formation of more productive stems and grain mass from one ear in winter wheat plants. So, on average, over the years of research, variety and irrigation options, for the use of AzotofitR, the number of productive stems increased by 34-74 PCs./ m2 compared to other seed treatment options. At the same time, the yield of winter wheat grain was also slightly higher with the use of Azotofit-R biologics. It was found that the use of irrigation provided an increase in grain yield by 1.66-2.19 tha–1 or 23.1-27.2%, depending on the studied winter wheat variety. At the same time, the ‘Duma Odes’ka’ variety had a higher grain yield under irrigation (8.06 tha–1), while in conditions without irrigation, a slightly higher grain yield was formed by plants of the ‘Ozerna’ variety (5.87 tha–1). On average, over the years of research, the highest yield of winter wheat grain was provided by the cultivation of the ‘Duma Odes’ka’ variety for pre-sowing seed treatment with Azotofit-R biologics and irrigation–8.38 tha–1. © 2023, Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania. All rights reserved.
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