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dc.contributor.authorМарченко, Дмитро Дмитрович-
dc.contributor.authorMarchenko, Dmytro-
dc.contributor.authorДиха, Олександр-
dc.contributor.authorDykha, Aleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorAulin, V.-
dc.contributor.authorМатвєєва, Катерина Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorMatveyeva, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorТішечкіна, Катерина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorTishechkina, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorКурепін, Вячеслав Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorKurepin, Vyacheslav-
dc.identifier.citationMarchenko D., Dykha A., Aulin V., Matvyeyeva K., Tishechkina K. & Kurepin V. (2020). Development of Technology and Research of Method of Electric Hydropulse Hardening of Machine Parts // Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Problems of Automated Electric Drive. Theory and Practice, PAEP 2020. DOI : 10.1109/PAEP49887.2020.9240796uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article presents studies of dynamic processes that occur during an electrohydropulse discharge. A method and design of a device for hardening parts by an electrohydropulse high-voltage discharge in a liquid has been developed. The proposed method allows to obtain a depth of the hardened layer up to 30 mm with compressive stresses throughout its depth and a uniform microscopic relief of the working surface.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherKhmelnytsky National University-
dc.publisherCentral Ukrainian National Technical University-
dc.subjectelectric discharge chamberuk_UA
dc.subjectelectromechanical hardeninguk_UA
dc.subjecthigh-voltage dischargeuk_UA
dc.subjectpulse current generatoruk_UA
dc.subjectDynamic processuk_UA
dc.subjectHardened layersuk_UA
dc.subjectHigh-voltage dischargesuk_UA
dc.subjectElectric drivesuk_UA
dc.subjectPlasma Nitridinguk_UA
dc.titleDevelopment of Technology and Research of Method of Electric Hydropulse Hardening of Machine Partsuk_UA
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