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Title: The influence of foliar fertilization on biometric parameters of maize hybrids in the of the forest-steppe of the Mykolaiv region
Authors: Коваленко, Олег Анатолійович
Kovalenko, Oleg
Дробітько, Антоніна Вікторівна
Drobitko, Antonina
Домарацький, Євгеній Олександрович
Domaratskiy, Yevhenii
Качанова, Тетяна Володимирівна
Kachanova, Tatiana
Keywords: corn
plant height
cob attachment height
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Kovalenko O. A., Drobitko A. V., Domaratskiy Y., Kachanova T. V. The influence of foliar fertilization on biometric parameters of maize hybrids in the of the forest-steppe of the Mykolaiv region // Grail of Science : International scientific journal. 2023. №30. Р.137-143.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of biometric parameters of maize hybrids of different maturity groups (DCS 2971 (FAO 200) early maturing; DKS 3472 (FAO 270) mid-early and DKS 4964 (FAO 380) mid-season) when grown in the foreststeppe zone of Mykolaiv region for foliar fertilization with a complex of microfertilizers Quantum (Quantum Silver, Quantum AminoMax 200, Quantum Chelate Zn (117) EDTA, Quantum BOR ACTIVE, Quantum Phytophos) and weather and climatic conditions of the year. The maximum effectiveness in the experiment for all hybrids was ensured by the use of foliar feeding of crops with a complex of microfertilizers Quantum 3.8 l/ha (Quantum Silver (1 l/ha) + Quantum AminoMax 200 (0.5 l/ha) + Quantum CHELATE Zn (117) EDTA (1 l/ha) + Quantum BORON ACTIVE (0, 3 l/ha) + Quantum Phytophos (1 l/ha)) in the phase of 4-6 leaves of corn and the introduction of a complex of microfertilizers Quantum 3.0 l/ha (Quantum Silver (2 l/ha) + Quantum AminoMax 200 (0.5 l/ha) + Quantum BORON ACTIVE (0.5 l/ha)) in the phase of 8-10 leaves of corn against the background of N34P34K34. The highest indicators were observed in the mid-season hybrid DCS 4964 in this variant of microfertilizers application, the height of plants was 256.8 cm, and the cobs were located at a height of 110.3 cm.
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