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Title: Stress–Strain State of Joints with a Soft Interlayer Under Mechanical Loading
Authors: Вахоніна, Лариса Володимирівна
Vakhonina, Larisa
Matvienko, M.V.
Martynenko, V.O.
Keywords: brazing
compressive loading
diffusion welding
soft interlayer
stress–strain state
Stress analysis
Structural design
Axial loading
Compressive loading
Cylindrical joints
Degree of hardening
Diffusion welding
Mechanical loading
Soft interlayer
Stiffness coefficients
Stress state
Stress strain state
Aluminum Coatings
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Matvienko, M. V., Martynenko, V. O., & Vakhonina, L. V. (2023). Stress–Strain State of Joints with a Soft Interlayer Under Mechanical Loading // International Applied Mechanics.
Abstract: The stress–strain state of a cylindrical joint with a soft interlayer under axial loading during diffusion welding is considered. The distribution and values of all components of stresses and plastic strains are studied by way of computer simulation. The stiffness coefficients of the stress state and the degree of hardening of the soft interlayer are determined. The factors are that should be taken into account when choosing the material of the interlayer and the diffusion welding conditions are found.
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