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Title: Monitoring of relationships between indicators of food security of the states
Authors: Полторак, Анастасія Сергіївна
Poltorak, Anastasiya
Христенко, Олександра Олександрівна
Khrystenko, Alexandra
Сухорукова, Анна Леонідівна
Sukhorukova, Anna
Довгаль, Олена Валеріївна
Dovgal, Olena
Бурковська, Анна Іванівна
Burkovskaia, Anna
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Citation: Poltorak, A. S., Burkovska, A. I., Khrystenko, O. A., Sukhorukova, A. L., & Dovgal, I. V. (2023). Monitoring of relationships between indicators of food security of the states. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1269(1), 012001.
Abstract: The conceptual foundations of monitoring the state's food security system under the conditions of global turbulence have been deepened. It was determined that the set of indicators of the state of food security used in national practice is imperfect. It is emphasized that the totality of indicators cannot objectively contribute to identifying potential threats to sustainable development and adopting effective management decisions. Attention is focused on the need to consider the impact of other components, including the issues of the accessibility, availability, quality, and safety of food products, as well as their resilience and adaptability. The hypothesis regarding the direct relationship between the degree of compliance of agricultural production in the country with sustainable development principles and the overall level of economic accessibility of food has been proved. The established and mathematically proven direct relationship between the indicators made it possible to emphasize the need to raise the population's living standards. This is necessary to reduce the negative impact of the production of agricultural products on the environment, which results from the understanding by consumers of the need to satisfy not only basic needs but also to preserve natural resources for future generations. It is mathematically proven that in countries with a high level of economic accessibility of food, the compliance of agricultural production with sustainable development principles has a high level and is strongly correlated with economic factors. In countries with medium and low indicators of economic accessibility of food, such a relationship does not have statistical significance. The conclusions drawn are useful for practical use in conditions of global economic turbulence.
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