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Title: Information technology for performance assessment of complex multilevel systems in managing technogenic objects
Authors: Perederyi, Viktor
Lytvynenko, Volodymyr
Ohnieva, Oksana
Борчик, Євген Юрійович
Borchyk, Yevhen
Keywords: Bayesian network
Complex multilevel systems
Complex organizational and technical objects
Functional sustainability
Fuzzy risk of decision-making
Human factor
Relevant decisions
Complex networks
Computation theory
Decision making
Decision theory
Engineering education
Hierarchical systems
Human engineering
Reliability theory
Risk assessment
Classification and evaluations
Cognitive components
Efficiency indicators
Formalized description
Hierarchical structures
Industrial environments
Multi-level systems
Performance assessment
Information management
Human Error
Nuclear Power Plants
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
Kherson National Technical University
Citation: Perederyi, V., Borchik, E., & Ohnieva, O. (2020). Information Technology for Decision Making Support and Monitoring in Man-Machine Systems for Managing Complex Technical Objects of Critical Application. У Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing, 448–466.
Abstract: The paper presents the information technology for performance assessment of complex multilevel systems in managing technogenic objects, which complements the theory and methods for solving tasks of ensuring system reliability and survivability, based on the interaction of a set of operability and human factor indicators in control and decision-making at each of its hierarchical levels. Risk conditions of the influence on system performance are determined and the classification and evaluation of the impact degree of the factors on decision-makers in the system's three-level hierarchical structure under fuzzy risk are carried out. A review, systematization, and generalization of publications on the issues of analysis and assessment of the systems for managing technogenic objects were carried out, based on which it was established that, in addition to the parameters of the system, and the influence of the external and industrial environment on the human factor, the efficiency indicator also depends on its hierarchical structure, the nature of the connections between the components, and on the regularities of the system's functioning, being poorly amenable to formalized description and evaluation. To assess the performance of the system, a Bayesian network was built, through which, based on the knowledge of experts, the probability of its performance at each hierarchical level was assessed, taking into account the influence of external and internal workplace factors on the cognitive component of a decision-maker under the fuzzy risk of taking irrelevant decisions. For practical substantiation of the obtained results, an experiment was conducted, the results of which confirmed the practical value of the information technology, which can be used to assess the performance of complex multilevel systems in managing technogenic objects. Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors.
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