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Title: Optimization of elements of the technology of Triticum aestivum L. cultivation kolchuga variety in the conditions southern steppe of Ukraine
Authors: Панфілова, Антоніна Вікторівна
Panfilova, Antonina
Корхова, Маргарита Михайлівна
Korhova, Margarita
Маркова, Наталія Валентинівна
Markova, Nataliya
Keywords: Kolchuga variety
nutrition optimization
seeding rates
sowing terms
Triticum aestivum L
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Panfilova, A., Korhova, M., & Markova, N. (2019). Optimization of elements of the technology of Triticum aestivum L. cultivation kolchuga variety in the conditions southern steppe of Ukraine. AgroLife Scientific Journal, 8(2), 112–121.
Abstract: The article presents the results of 7 years of field research (2011-2016) of the main elements of winter wheat (T. aestivum L.) growing technologies Kolchuga variety, namely: sowing dates, seed sowing norms and plant nutrition optimization. The need for this study is due to the warming of the climate, the change in soil fertility and the emergence of new winter wheat varieties and biological products. Results of the researches, showed us the significant influence of sowing terms and the introduction of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and the implementation of foliar feeding in the main periods of vegetation of winter wheat plants on the level of yield of the Kolchuga variety was established. With the shift of sowing terms from September 10th to October 10th, the yield of the studied variety increased from 3.73 to 4.92 t/ha-1. The seeding rates and sowing terms significantly influenced the formation of winter wheat grain quality. The highest mass fraction of protein (15.0%) and gluten (30.7%) in winter wheat grain was formed for sowing on October 20th. The use of Organic D2 and Escort - bio biological products contributed to an increasement in the yield of winter wheat grain at 1.53-1.59 t/ha-1 or 52.9-55.0%. The positive effect of optimization of the main elements technology for increasing the quality of winter wheat grain is confirmed. Thus, if without fertilizers on average for the years of research the grain of Kolchuga variety contained of 11.2% protein, the application of only mineral fertilizers before sowing provided an increase in this indicator by 6.7%, and the carrying out of foliar fertilizing on their background provided an increase by 8.2-13.2%. It was determined that some better quality indicators of different grains of the investigated winter wheat variety for joint application of N30P30 and foliar dressing of winter wheat crops twice during the vegetation season with Escort-bio preparation. Thus, for this nutrition variant the content of crude gluten in winter wheat grain was 24.2%, and the protein content was 12.9%.
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