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Title: The influence of local loosening of the soil on soybean productivity
Authors: Pashchenko, V. F.
Syromyatnikov, Yu. N.
Храмов, Микита Сергійович
Khramov, Mykyta
Keywords: experience
local chiseling
subsurface cultivation
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Soil Organic Carbon
Carbon Sinks
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Pashchenko, V. F., Syromyatnikov, Y. N., Hramov, N. S., & Vojnash, S. A. (2019). The influence of local loosening of the soil on soybean productivity. Traktory i sel'hozmashiny, (5), 79–86.
Abstract: The task of the chisel paws is to ensure a given stroke depth in conditions of increased soil density, and also to create conditions for improving the accumulation of moisture and air in the soil. There is no need to overlap deformations in the soil, which are distributed under the action of the chisel paws. The method of subsurface cultivation of the soil, which creates favorable conditions for the growth and development of soybeans and provides high grain yields in comparison with plowing, is studied. The influence of local processing on the conditions of growth, development and formation of plant productivity is de-termined in comparison with traditional processing. The technology of soybean cultivation in experiments, excluding the studied factors, was generally accepted for the eastern foreststeppe of Ukraine. The effectiveness of local loosening of the soil for soybean sowing is determined in comparison with the dump cultivation. The moisture content in the soil by the beginning of spring field work in all areas where local loosening of the soil was carried out in autumn was 0,4–1,3 % higher compared to plowing. The highest density of plants and field germination were on the variant of local loosening of the soil to a depth of 40 cm with the placement of paws through one meter, being equal 76,6 %. The difference in moisture content in the heap and non-heap tillage persisted until the flowering phase. The moisture content in this period in the areas of local loosening of the soil was 0,6–4,8 % higher compared to plowing, this improved the conditions for soybean growth, which height of plants on the variants of local loosening of the soil was 2,1–3,8 cm. In all variants of subsurface tillage the grain yield was higher than in the control by 0,03–0,07 t/ha. The highest yield was on the options for subsurface tillage to a depth of 40 cm – 1,03 t/ha. © 2019, Eco-Vector LLC.
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