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Title: Collateral ecocide. The impact of war on Ukrainian flora and fauna
Authors: Mammadov, Sahib
Lugovoy, Sergey
Луговий, Сергій Іванович
Стародубець, Олексій Олександрович
Starodubets, Aleksey
Калиниченко, Галина Іванівна
Kalinichenko, Galina
Трибрат, Руслан Олександрович
Tribrat, Ruslan
Keywords: Ecocide
emerald network
heavy metals
Nuclear fuels
Nuclear power plants
Soil pollution
Water pollution
Biosphere reserve
Emerald network
Environmental issues
International organizations
Oil product
Radioactive substances
Soil water
Heavy metals
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Mammadov, S., Luhovyi, S., Starodubets, O., Kalynychenko, H., & Trybrat, R. (2024). Collateral ecocide. The impact of war on Ukrainian flora and fauna. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 1–9.
Abstract: We assess the effects of Russia’s war against Ukraine on soil, water, and air–including pollution by oil products, ammonia, heavy metals and radioactive substances; the threats posed by seizure of the Chornobyl and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants; and occupation of parts of the Emerald Network of biosphere reserves. The destruction of forests, steppes and wetlands by mines, bombing, shelling and fires, and the pollution of the environment, amount to ecocide. There is need to engage international organisations to confront environmental issues and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Description: Повний текст статті доступний з сайті видавця за посиланням:
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