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Title: Interactive Posters as a Learning Tool for Practical Tasks in the Context of Electrical Engineering Education
Authors: Доценко, Наталія Андріївна
Dotsenko, Nataliya
Keywords: electrical engineering education
interactive poster
learning tools
practical tasks
Learning systems
Cognitive activities
Control measurements
Electrical engineering education
Engineering concepts
Interactive elements
Interactive posters
Learning material creation
Learning tool
Practical task
Engineering education
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Dotsenko, N. (2023). Interactive Posters as a Learning Tool for Practical Tasks in the Context of Electrical Engineering Education. 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES). IEEE.
Abstract: The article presents the technology of creation interactive posters as a learning tool for practical tasks in electrical engineering. One of the major challenges in education can be overcome by using interactive elements: getting students' attention, keeping their interest, and engaging them in cognitive activity. There are some peculiarities in creation learning tools for studying electrical engineering, the using of interactive posters can help to overcome difficulties in the learning some engineering concept, calculations and working with drawings and schemes, visualization of processes. There are outlined the main directions of using interactive posters in practical tasks for electrical engineers. The proposed technology included the stages of choosing of the learning material, creation the main page of the interactive poster, adding different types of learning tools and conduction of control measurements. The obtained results were checked statistically that confirms the efficiency of the technology of creation interactive posters as a learning tool for practical tasks in the electrical engineering.
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