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Title: Prospects for the use of wind power plants: advantages and environmental safety
Other Titles: Перспективи використання вітрових електростанцій: переваги та екологічна безпека
Authors: Бацуровська, Ілона Вікторівна
Batcurovskaya, Ilona
Курепін, Вячеслав Миколайович
Kurepin, Vyacheslav
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Batsurovska I., & Kurepin V. (2024). Prospects for the use of wind power plants: advantages and environmental safety. Traditions and new scientific strategies in the context of global transformation of society. Baltija Publishing, 1, 34-55.
Бацуровська І., Курепін В. Перспективи використання вітрових електростанцій: переваги та екологічна безпека. Traditions and new scientific strategies in the context of global transformation of society : scientific monograph. Part 1. Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2024. P. 34-55. DOI:
Abstract: In this article, the prospects of utilizing wind power stations are explored, with a focus on their benefits and environmental safety. Wind power stations harness the kinetic energy of the wind to generate electricity, offering a promising alternative to traditional energy sources. The research delves into the multifaceted advantages of wind power stations, ranging from their high efficiency and contribution to stable energy supply to their positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this work is to conduct a thorough investigation and analysis of the prospects of wind power stations (WPS) with a particular emphasis on highlighting their advantages and focusing on environmental safety. The study seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of potential benefits that WPS offer in the context of global energy needs and sustainable development goals.
Appears in Collections:Монографії (Інженерно-енергетичний факультет)

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