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Назва: Формування продуктивності сортів сої під впливом інокуляції в умовах Степу України
Formation of productivity of soya varieties under influence of inoculation in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine
Автори: Вожегова, Раїса Анатоліївна
Vozhehova, Raisa
Коковіхін, Сергій Васильович
Kokovikhin, Serhii
Дробітько, Антоніна Вікторівна
Drobitko, Antonina
Ключові слова: соя
елемент продуктивності
element of productivity
Дата публікації: 2019
Бібліографічний опис: Вожегова Р. А., Коковіхін С. В., Дробітько А. В. Формування продуктивності сортів сої під впливом інокуляції в умовах Степу України. Науково-технічний бюлетень Інституту олійних культур НААН. 2019. № 28. С. 97-108.
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті представлені результати трирічних досліджень по вивченню ефективності застосування інокулянтів при вирощуванні сортів сої. У фазі повного наливу рослини досягали у висоту 59,7 см, що порівняно з контролем більше на 4,3 см. У період вегетації найкраще відреагував на інокуляцію сорт Аполлон, так як висота рослин збільшувалась на 3,4-7,3 см. Найбільша маса бульбочок на одній рослині сої відмічена за використання інокулянта Оптімайз: у сорту Валюта – 1,41 г, а у сорту Аполлон – 1,37 г, а без внесення досліджуваних 1,18-1,20 г. Найбільшу урожайність забезпечує застосування препарату Оптімайз – приріст врожайності становив на сорті Аполлон 0,2 т/га, а на сорті Валюта сягнув найвищого рівня – 0,3 т/га. Визначено, що застосування інокулянтів не тільки збільшує урожайність сої в цілому, а й підвищує вміст білку в зерні. Найвищий приріст вмісту білку був отриманий за використання Оптімайзу при вирощуванні сорту Аполлон – 34,2 %, що на 2,1 % більше порівняно з контролем. Вирощування сорту Валюта та використання інокулянта Оптімайз дозволило одержати максимальну продуктивність фотосинтезу з коефіцієнтом корисної дії ФАР на рівні 2 ,94%.
The article presents the results of three-year studies to study the effectiveness of the use of inoculants in the cultivation of soybean varieties. An important guarantee of obtaining a high level of productivity of different genetic potential of soybean varieties is quality seeds and varietal agrotechnical cultivation, which allow plants to form friendly shoots, to grow normally throughout the growing season, to ultimately produce high, high quality and economically justified. Biologists claim that soy is at the top of the vegetable protein and oil pyramid in the world. It also has biological features. Seeds rich in proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, thanks to the unique combination of soybean photosynthesis and biological nitrogen fixation in soybean plants, it largely provides its need for nitrogen, improves fertility and improves fertility. In recent years, the varietal composition has expanded significantly and soybean yield potential has increased. However, the realization of the genetic potential of modern cultivars in production remains rather low, and the average yield in Ukraine in recent years is (1.2-1.9 t/ha). Especially in conditions of insufficient humidity it is necessary to be responsible enough, with special care to choose the most productive varieties of soybeans, which can realize their full genetic potential to give the maximum possible yield, even in conditions with low rainfall, of course this is very good, but we should not forget about quality of the grown grain. Many factors affect the quality and the crop, and agricultural techniques play a special role. In modern conditions, the development of the elements of biologicalisation of agricultural technologies of soybean cultivation, in particular through the use of inoculants to enhance the processes of nitrogen fixation, increase the productivity and quality of crop grain, is of great scientific and practical importance. Therefore, it is relevant to study the effectiveness of the use of biological products in the cultivation of different biological potential varieties, taking into account the peculiarities of weather conditions in years with different levels of natural moisture supply. The purpose of the research was to determine the peculiarities of formation of soybean productivity depending on inoculation in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted during 2013-2015 on the fields of the farm of Arkady, Bratsk District, Mykolaiv Region. The studies were conducted in a two-factor field experiment. The following factors and variants were included in the scheme of the experiment: Factor A (soybean variety): Apollo; Currency. Factor B (inoculation): without inoculum treatment (control); INTEX PEAT inoculant; inoculant Optimaize. The acreage was 84 m²; accounting - 50,4 m². Repeatability in the experiment 4 times. Placement of plots - split plots. Soybean cultivation technology was generally accepted for the farm and was in line with the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe. The use of Optimaize inoculant increased the average height of 7.4 cm of Apollo soybean plants in 2013-2015, and the use of INTEX REAT inoculant increased this figure by 3.5 cm. The highest height of soybean plants was in Currency. In the phase of full filling, the plants reached a height of 59.7 cm, which is 4.3 cm higher than the control (54.2 cm). In our opinion, the height of the plants was characteristic of these varieties. Of course, the influence of inoculants was noticeable during the growing season, so the varieties tested were slightly higher than the control. During the growing season, the Apollo variety responded best to inoculation, as the plant height increased by 3.4-7.3 cm. The smallest number of potatoes per plant was formed on the control variant in the arid 2013 - 44-45 units, and the maximum value was obtained in 2015 - 62-66 units. On average, during the years of research, the highest mass of potatoes on one soybean plant was observed with the use of the Optimaize inoculum: in the Currency - 1.41 g, and in the Apollo variety - 1.37 g, and without making the tested 1.18-1.20 g . The found that the highest productivity is provided by the use of the drug Optimaz - the yield increase was 0.2 t / ha on the Apollo variety, and it reached the highest level - 0.3 t / ha on the Currency variety. Our studies have confirmed that inoculation of soybean seeds in the steppe conditions can yield tangible results of yield increase. Obtaining a 7.0-16.5% increase in yield by inoculation indicates a rather significant efficiency of this technological measure. In addition, such agro-technological measure has the advantage of environmental safety. It is determined that the use of inoculants not only increases the yield of soybeans as a whole, but also increases the protein content of the grain. The highest increase in protein content was obtained with the use of the Optimaize inoculum when growing the Apollo variety - 34.2%, which is 2.1% more than the control. The cultivation of Currency and the use of the drug Optimaize allowed to obtain the maximum productivity of photosynthesis with the efficiency of the headlamp at the level of 2.94%. The minimum values of this indicator (FAR efficiency = 2.19%) were formed on crops of Apollo variety without seed inoculation.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18756
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті (Факультет агротехнологій)

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