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Назва: Development of a method for inactivating lipoxygenases in linseed using chemical reagents
Інші назви: Розробка способу інактивації ліпоксигеназ насіння льону з використанням хімічних реагентів
Автори: Belinska, Anna
Ryshchenko, Igor
Bliznjuk, Olga
Masalitina, Nataliia
Siedykh, Kostiantyn
Zolotarova, Svitlana
Fedak, Natalia
Петрова, Олена Іванівна
Petrova, Olena
Шевчук, Наталя Петрівна
Shevchuk, Natalya
Данильчук, Галина Анатоліївна
Danylchuk, Galina
Ключові слова: oxidative stability
endogenous lipoxygenase
lipid component
chemical reagents
окисна стабільність
ендогенна ліпоксигеназа
ліпідна складова
насіння льону
хімічні реагенти
Дата публікації: 2024
Бібліографічний опис: Belinska, A., Ryshchenko, I., Bliznjuk, O., Masalitina, N., Siedykh, K., Zolotarova, S., Fedak, N., Petrova, O., Shevchuk, N., & Danylchuk, G. (2024). Development of a method for inactivating lipoxygenases in linseed using chemical reagents. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(6 (130)), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.309079
Короткий огляд (реферат): The object of the study is the oxidative stability of the lipid component of linseed treated with a citric acid and sodium chloride solution. The rational composition of chemical reagents for inactivating linseed lipoxygenases was determined in the work. The obtained results make it possible to develop an effective linseed treatment method for increasing stability to oxidative spoilage. The proposed composition of the linseed treatment solution (citric acid – 1.0...1.3 %; sodium chloride – 0.6...0.8 %) significantly reduces the peroxide and anisidine numbers of the lipid component. This helps reduce oxidative spoilage during accelerated oxidation and storage under normal conditions. Rational treatment conditions were determined based on the approximate dependency of these indicators on the concentrations of chemical reagents. The data obtained in the work are explained by chemical interactions between the solution components and the enzyme complex of linseed, leading to enzyme denaturation and, accordingly, increased oxidative stability of the lipid component. A feature of the obtained results is the competitiveness of treated linseed, characterized by increased nutritional value due to improved technological properties. The results of the study allow minimizing the loss of nutritional value and increasing the shelf life of linseed products. The results are important for developing new oilseed processing technologies. This makes it possible not only to increase the stability of products against oxidative spoilage, but also to preserve their high nutritional value. Further research in this area will contribute to improving oilseed processing technologies, in particular linseed, which is an important contribution to the development of the food industry.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18758
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