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Title: Розробка технології елітного твердого сиру «Каланчацький»
Разработка технологии элитного твердого сыра «Каланчацкий».
Development of technology of elite hard cheese of «Kalanchackiy».
Authors: Балабанова, І. О.
Балабанова, И. О.
Balabanova, І.
Keywords: бактерии
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Балабанова І. О. Розробка технології елітного твердого сиру «Каланчацький» / І. О. Балабанова // Вісник аграрної науки Причорномор’я. – 2016. – Вип. 2 (89). Ч. 1. – С. 18-25.
Abstract: У статті представлено аналіз параметрів технологічних операцій виготовлення твердих сирів другого нагрівання, вдосконалення технології виготовлення елітного твердого сиру з використанням концентрату сироваточних білків.
В статье представлен анализ параметров технологических операций изготовления твердых сыров второго нагревания, усовершенствование технологии изготовления элитного твердого сыра с использованием концентрата сироваточних белков
The analysis of the parameters of technological operations of making hard cheeses of the second heating, the improvement of the technology of making the elite hard cheese using the concentrate of whey proteins. Cheese can be made only from milk suitable for cheese-making which meets the demands of regulatory documents. The suitability of milk for making cheese is determined by feeds for cows. The experiments show that if cows’ feed rations contain many similar concentrates, the quality of cheese made of such cows’ milk is worse. Therefore cows should not be fed with one type of concentrate feeds which constitutes 20–30% of the daily norm. Feeding cows with a great number of corn feeds (grass, grain, silage) has a positive effect on the quality of milk and makes it possible to make high quality cheeses. Milk microflora, including lactic and propionic acid bacteria, are useful for making cheese. The representatives of the group of colon bacillus are harmful and dangerous in cheese-making. The quantity of microflora in milk is checked by reductase probes and the quality – by rennet-fermentation probes. Aseptic milk or raw milk contaminated with microbes, and also milk with disease-causing microbes is not suitable for cheese-making. Before fermentation milk must contain a sufficient number of lactic bacteria – streptococcus and bacillus – for a normal cheese-making process. The quantity of this microflora in milk determines the degree of its maturity and suitability for cheese-making. The maturity of milk is also determined by the state of salts, namely the salts of calcium phosphate. In fresh raw milk these salts are in the colloidal state, that causes milk sedimentation and clotting. Thus fresh raw milk is considered to be unsuitable for cheese-making. Using the concentrate of whey proteins allows increasing the number of cheeses by 53. 3 or 10 heads daily. Correspondingly enterprises earn 35241. 7 UAH implementing this technology and 37648. 9 UAH applying an improved technology. The profitability level is 8. 27% та 15. 66% respectively. Thus, improving the technology of making hard cheeses increases production profitability on the whole, that will lead to improved results of the enterprise activity.
Appears in Collections:Вісник аграрної науки Причорномор'я. - 2016. - Вип. 2 (89). - Ч. 1.

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