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Title: Кількісні та якісні показники м’яса молодняку свиней за різних поєднань
Other Titles: Количественные и качественные показатели мяса молодняка свиней различных сочетаний
Quantitative and qualitative indicators of young pigs’ meat in different combinations
Authors: Калиниченко, Галина Іванівна
Калиниченко, Галина Ивановна
Kalinichenko, Galina
Кислинська, Алла Ігорівна
Кислинская, Алла Игоревна
Kislinskaya, Alla
Keywords: м’ясні якості
велика біла порода
червона білопояса порода
чистопородний молодняк
мясные качества
крупная белая порода
красная белопоясая порода
чистопородный молодняк
meat qualities
large white breed
red belopoyasaya breed
pure breed of young pigs
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Калиниченко Г. І. Кількісні та якісні показники м’яса молодняку свиней за різних поєднань / Г. І. Калиниченко, А. І. Кислинська // Біологічні аспекти технологій тваринництва і виробництва продукції : матеріали ІV міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 26-27 жовтня 2017р., м. Миколаїв. – Миколаїв : МНАУ, 2017. – С. 94-102.
Abstract: В статті наведено дані щодо результатів оцінки м’ясних якостей чистопородного молодняку свиней великої білої породи угорської селекції та їх помісей із спеціалізованими м’ясними породами, яких розводять в Україні. Вивчено морфологічний склад туш при забої свиней живою масою 100 кг. Проведено аналіз маси відрубів напівтуш молодняка свиней різних сполучень. Досліджено фізичні та хімічні властивості м’яса молодняка свиней різних породних поєднань.
В статье представлены данные о результатах оценки мясных качеств чистопородного молодняка свиней крупной белой породы венгерской селекции и их помесей со специализированными мясными породами, разводимыми в Украине. Изучен морфологический состав туш при убое свиней живой массой 100 кг. Проведен анализ массы отрубов полутуш молодняка свиней различных сочетаний. Исследованы физические и химические свойства мяса молодняка свиней различных сочетаний.
The article gives date on the results of meat quality assessment of purebred young stock pigs of large white breed of Hungarian breeding and their hybrids with specialized meat breeds, which are bred in Ukraine. Morphological composition of carcasses at slaughtering pigs with live weight of 100 kg was studied. The analysis of half-cut carcasses weight of young pigs in different combinations has been carried out. Physical and chemical characteristics of young pig’s meat of different combinations have been investigated. The influence of large white breed on the meat quality of pigs was studied. It was established that all studied combinations were characterized by rather thin fat which is 11.5 - 17.6 mm. The highest indicators of slaughter output, fat thickness, the area of "muscle eye" and mass of ankle were characterized by a combination of animals with the VI experimental group. They were, probably, dominating the young control group and the III, IV and V experimental groups. The animals in the V experimental group were characterized by the length of the half-cut carcasses with the best result (98.4 cm) and purebred gilts of the large white breed of Hungarian breeding were 97.9 cm. The shortest carcasses (94.8 cm) were the animals of the III experimental group. The study of morphological composition of pigs’ carcasses of different genotypes has allowed to establish that high meat content was noticed in the animals of the VI experimental group (64.18%), which was for 3.06% higher than in young control group (P>0.99). There was no statistically big difference between the weights of the similar half-cut carcasses of pigs in different experimental groups. The exception was the index of the weight of rear legs. So, the animals of the VI experimental group were significantly exceeded the young pig’s control group 0.95 kg (P>0.95). The active acidity of the meat of the studied experimental groups was in the range of 4.5 and 6.0. At the same time the low values of active acidity were found in the animals of the II and III experimental groups, which indicate the tendency to the poor meat storage. So, the difference between the control animals and the II and III experimental groups was accordingly 1.0 (P>0.95) and 1.5 (P>0.99). The biggest amount of water-holding capacity was in the meat of the III and V experimental groups of animals. So, the difference between them and the animals of the control group was, accordingly, 3.6% and 3.7%, but it was unlikely. Young pigs of the VI experimental group were characterized by the lowest indicator of water-holding capacity (57.0%), which is less than 3.2% comparing to the animals of the control group. The total moisture content for all experimental groups was within 72.5 and 75.3%. The animals of the above-mentioned group had the lowest dry matter content in comparison to purebred young pigs of large white breed of Hungarian breeding accordingly for 2.48% (P>0,95) and the lowest protein content, accordingly, was 1.44%. The content of fat and protein in pigs of experimental groups was not revealed in the significant differences. The ash content of all studied combinations ranged from 0.91to 1.96%.
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