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Title: Продуктивні якості овець різних генотипів
Productive qualities of sheep of different genotypes
Продуктивные качества овец различных генотипов
Authors: Калиниченко, Галина Іванівна
Коваль, Ольга Анатоліївна
Калиниченко, Галина Ивановна
Коваль, Ольга Анатольевна
Kalynychenko, Halina
Koval, Olga
Keywords: вівцематка
відтворювальні якості
швидкість росту
воспроизводительные качества
скорость роста
reproductive properties
rate of growth
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Калиниченко Г. І. Продуктивні якості овець різних генотипів / Г. І. Калиниченко, О. А. Коваль // Вісник Сумського НАУ. – 2016. - Вип. 1 (29). – С. 159–161. – Тваринництво.
Abstract: В статті наведено результати досліджень відтворювальних якостей вівцематок асканійської тонкорунної породи, асканійської м'ясо-вовнової породи одеського типу та асканійських кросбредів. Також проведено порівняльний аналіз динаміки живої маси та середньодобових приростів баранців вище зазначених генотипів від народження до 14-місячного віку.
The article contains the research results of reproductive properties of Ascanian fine-wool ewe, Ascanian meat-wool of Odessa’s ink and Ascanian crossbred. Moreover there had been also carried out a comparison study of live weight dynamics and the average lamb gain of the aforementioned type species from the birth till the age of 14 months. It’s been established that the Ascanian meat-wool ewe of Odessa’s ink and the Ascanian crossbred are remarkable for their high fertility. So, every 100 crossbred ewes gained 123 lambs, or by 6.7% more than 100 Ascanian fine-wool ewes. And the Ascanian meat-wool of Odessa’s ink gained 134 lambs which is by 18.7 heads more compared to the control group, or by 16.2%. The analysis has demonstrated that the Ascanian meat-wool ewes of Odessa’s ink are the most remarkable for their high fertility comparing with the other type species. Under the same feeding, maintenance and care circumstances till the age of 4 months the lambs of study and control groups were marked by unequal viability. During this period the lamb loses of the Ascanian meat-wool of Odessa’s type figure up to 6.2%, of crossbred species — 7.5%, and the Ascanian fine-wool — 8.2%. The research has shown that the Ascanian crossbred lambs (2 study group) surpasses their yearlings of the control and 1 study groups in terms of live weight at the birth by 0.9 kg (23.8 %) and 0.3 kg (7.7%). During all the research periods the animals of the 1 study group authentically surpassed the animals of the control and 2 study group in terms of live weight. So, at the age of 14 months that primacy figured up to 8.93 kg (15,6%) and 8,23kg (14,4%) respectively. It has been established that the Ascanian meat-wool lambs of Odessa’s ink have been remarkable for the highest average daily gain during all the research periods. It should be noted, the highest rate of growth has been marked from the birth till the age of 4 months of all type species. However, the best figure (195,5 g) has been shown by the Ascanian meat-wool animals of Odessa’s ink. During the further periods there has been noted a tendency to decreasing average daily growth in all research type species. The lowest daily average growth has been shown by the control group lambs during the age period from 12 to 14 months.
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