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Title: Влияние биопрепаратов на особенности водопотребления бобовых культур в условиях Южной Степи Украины
Authors: Гамаюнова, Валентина Василівна
Gamayunova, Valentina
Туз, Максим Сергійович
Tuz, Maksym
Базалій, В. В.
Bazaliy, V.
Keywords: Peas
Biological products
Total water consumption
Water use efficiency
Water consumption coefficient
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Гамаюнова В. В. Влияние биопрепаратов на особенности водопотребления бобовых культур в условиях Южной Степи Украины / В. В. Гамаюнова, М. Туз, С. Базалий // Ştiinţa agricolă. - 2017. - № 2. - Рр. 23-29.
Abstract: The article presents the results of an experiment on pea (Tsarevich and Oplot varieties) and chickpea (Pamyat and Rosanna varieties), carried out in 2013-2016 on southern chernozem at the Educational, Scientific and Practical Center of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (Ukraine). We studied the effect of modern biological products used for presowing seed treatment and plant fertilization in their main developmental stages on pea and chickpea productivity as well as on the total water consumption by these plants in relation to weather conditions during the cultivation year. Also, water use efficiency per ton of grain with associated amount of byproducts was studied. It was established that soil moisture reserves and the precipitation during vegetation period are used much more effectively when biological products are used. In the plots without applied biopreparations water consumption coefficient in Tsarevich pea variety was 1285 m3/t while in the Oplot variety was 1270 m3/t. Even only because of presowing treatment with the preparations Mochevin-Kb and Escort-Bio this coefficient decreased and ranged from 1119 to 1171 m3/t, depending on the variety and the used product. If also foliar fertilization was performed, it was 895-952 m3/t. Soil incorporation of absorbents (AgroHydroGel, Aquasave) at seeding did not significantly influence on the coefficient of water consumption by the pea varieties under study. Similar results were also obtained with chickpea. If chickpea plants without applied biopreparations consumed (on average over 2015-2016 years) 4160 m3 of water per ton of grain, then on N15 P15 K15 background and with Biomag preplantig treatment followed by two foliar treatments this coefficient decreased to 2700 m3/t or it was lower by 36,6% . This is extremely important for the conditions of Ukrainian Southern Steppe where it is precisely the moisture that is first of all required during crop cultivation.
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