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Title: Genetic variation determination and interbreed differentiation of two ukrainian dairy cattle breeds using microsatellite loci of dna
Other Titles: Визначення генетичної варіативності та міжпородна диференціація двох українських молочних порід великої рогатої худоби за мікросателітними локусами ДНК
Authors: Shelyov, A. V.
Kopylov, K. V.
Шельов, А. В.
Копилов, К. В.
Крамаренко, Олександр Сергійович
Kramarenko, Alexander
Крамаренко, Сергій Сергійович
Kramarenko, Sergej
Keywords: cattle
populational genetics
велика рогата худоба
популяційна генетика
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Genetic variation determination and interbreed differentiation of two ukrainian dairy cattle breeds using microsatellite loci of dna / A. V. Shelyov, K. V. Kopylov, S. S. Kramarenko, O. S. Kramarenko // Agricultural Science and Practice. - 2018. - Vol. 5, No. 1. - Р. 51-58. - DOI: 10.15407/agrisp5.01.051.
Abstract: Aim. The aim of our work was to investigate the interbreed differentiation of Ukrainian Red-and-Motley and Black-and-White dairy cows based on the results of the analysis of allelic and genotypic polymorphism of DNA microsatellites. Methods. Genotyping of 88 DNA samples of two most numerous dairy cattle breeds in Ukraine - Ukrainian Red-and-Motley and Black-and-White dairy cows - was conducted by 10 loci, recommended by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). The analysis of allelic and genotypic polymorphism was performed using parametric and non-parametric methods. Results. Informative value of DNA microsatellites as markers of genetic processes, which take place in the populations of domestic animals, was assessed. Conclusions. The investigated breeds demonstrate a reliable level of genetic differentiation with a high level of similarity.
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