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Title: Проблемні питання іншомовної підготовки студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей
Other Titles: Debating questions of foreign language training for students of non-philological specialties
Authors: Артюхова, Олена Вікторівна
Artiukhova, Olena
Keywords: навчання професійної англійської мови
студенти нефілологічних спеціальностей
види навчальної діяльності
professional English teaching
students of non-philological specialtie
types of learning activities
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Артюхова О. В. Проблемні питання іншомовної підготовки студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей / О. В. Артюхова // Наукові праці. Науковий журнал. – Миколаїв : ЧНУ, 2018. – С. 73-76.
Abstract: Статтю присвячено постановці та вирішенню проблемних питань навчання професійної англійської мови студентів нефілологічних спеціальностей. Автор вважає невиправданим перевантаження студентів-нефілологів тонкощами англійської граматики і зосереджує увагу на необхідності наповнювати їхній вокабуляр професійною лексикою та розвивати навички фахового спілкування. Замість переказу текстів на заняттях бажано вчити написання ділових листів, оформлення їх відповідно до стандартів комунікативної поведінки країни-отримувача. Більше уваги необхідно приділяти веденню ділової документації, написанню резюме, звітів, заповненню анкет, укладанню договорів, прийнятим у ділових колах формулам звертання, вибачення, перепитування, уточнення тощо.
The article is devoted to clearing up and solution of some debating questions in teaching English for specific purposes (ESP). The aim of the article is to attract the attention of scholars, lecturers, ESP teachers to the urgent problems in this sphere. Having analyzed the latest publications on the topic the author comes to the conclusion that in the course of time problems in ESP teaching do not disappear, they continue to grow and are waiting for their solutions. One of the most widely spread mistakes is connected with the fact that ESP teachers do not take into consideration students’ future profession and bring to classes the same methods as if they were teaching philologists. They make their students – future economists, mechanics, engineers – learn English grammar in details paying attention to different tense forms, peculiarities of vocabulary usage etc. Sometimes it is rather difficult for non-philological students to comprehend the material, and they lose interest to learning English. To avoid such a situation ESP teachers should better use special kinds of work – role and business plays, modeling, simulations, case method – to keep students’ interest to learning English close to their professional objectives. Instead of complicated grammar phenomena non-philological students should develop their communication skills, and the task of an ESP teacher is to organize their class activity in order to give each student a chance to express his ideas on the subject under consideration. A teacher of professional English should constantly work at his vocabulary connected with the specialization of his students. It is necessary for him to demonstrate students he knows the subject under the discussion and is ready to share his ideas concerning the target question. While developing students’ skills in dialogue speech it is necessary to train them in usage of special phrases for asking the partner to repeat the question, to apologize for possible misunderstanding, to ask for more details etc. Such phrases make the conversation more natural and help cooperation. More attention should be paid to written works. It is necessary to teach non-philological students to fill in applications, write business letters, keep correspondence in English, work with documents. To reach such goals more time in class should be spent on training exercises instead of retelling texts or reproducing the materials from manuals. Students should be aware that for successful business cooperation it is necessary to know the norms of communicative behavior in each English speaking country. That is why an ESP teacher should explain to his students how important it is to know the standards of business communication characteristic for each partnership country. Further researches in ESP teaching are connected with implementation of new information technologies in the process of developing communication skills in English. Students’ self education and independent English learning need more research to work out special recommendations for improving the results in ESP teaching.
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