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Title: The productivity of spring barley varieties depending on the optimization of nutrition in the southern Steppe of Ukraine
Other Titles: Продуктивність ярих сортів ячменю залежно від оптимізації живлення в Південному Степу України
Authors: Гамаюнова, Валентина Василівна
Панфілова, Антоніна Вікторівна
Gamajunova, Valentina
Panfilova, Antonina
Keywords: ячмінь ярий
живлення рослин
речовини, що регулюють ріст
структура сільськогосподарських культур
врожайність зерна
spring barley
plant nutrition
growth-regulating substances
crop structure
grain yield
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Gamajunova V., Panfilova A. The productivity of spring barley varieties depending on the optimization of nutrition in the southern steppe of Ukraine // AgroLife Scientific journal. 2020. Vol. 9. N. 1. P.132-140.
Abstract: The article presents the results of research carried out in 2013 - 2017 in the conditions of the experimental field of the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University in southern chernozem to study the efficiency of the treatment of barley crops with modern growth-regulating preparations in the background of mineral fertilizers. The influence of variety (Adapt, Stalker, Aeneas) and ferilization (N30P30, Urea K1, Urea K2, Escort-bio, Organic D2) of barley plants on the formation of elements of the crop structure (total number of stemsand productive stems, number of grains in the ear and weight of grain from one ear) and the level of grain yield were investigated. It was determined that the application of preseeding cultivation of spring barley with mineral fertilizer at a dose of N30P30 (background) and the application of extra-root cropping at the beginning of the phases of stooling and the earing with fertilizers Urea K1, Urea K2,Organic D2 and Escort-bio created favorable conditions for the formation of optimal grain yield levels. It was determined that the highest yield of barley grain was formed in experimental variants using Organic D2 (3.22-3.56 t ha-1) and Escort-bio (3.25-3.61 t ha-1), depending on the variety. These exceeded the yield rate on an unfertilized plot by 20.5-21.3 and 21.2- 22.4% for Organic D2 and Escort-bio, respectively, and with the application of mineral fertilizers only, the yield rate grew by 12.0-13.5%. The highest yield of grain was formed by plants of the Aeneas’s variety: 2.80-3.61 t ha-1, depending on the variants of nourishment.
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Публікації науково-педагогічних працівників МНАУ у БД Web of Science
Статті (Факультет агротехнологій)

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